Move the Gold to the Cloud
Custom Artwork by Scott Chatten

Move the Gold to the Cloud

I'm sure we are all in the same boat - we get pitched multiple times per day to contract with XYZ company because they will secure our servers and employees and prevent cyber crimes from shutting down our company. The emails are all the same "we offer an amazing service, tool, or technology that will save your company". Give us 20 minutes and we can prove it. Here is a long list of everything great about our company, software, and services. {INSERT TWO DAY PAUSE} Did you see my email? {INSERT TWO DAY PAUSE} How about we jump on a quick meeting? {INSERT TWO DAY PAUSE} Any thoughts?

So you get the gist, hundreds, if not thousands of people all trying to build an IT business around protecting you from the bad guys. What's wrong with that, right? They are just being concerned citizens for the safety and security of my company and intellectual property. The more I thought about this sudden desire for everyone to protect my stuff, the more I thought about how my stuff is locked in a building that requires security, on a server that requires security, being exposed to remote workers that require security. And that's when it hit me... move the gold! The problem is not keeping bad guys out of our building and network, the problem is that we are trying to protect something that no longer needs protection.

What does it take to move the gold you may ask? Not as much as you may think. If you break down the problem into two basic categories: applications that are front-end facing and interact with users, and databases that are back-end facing and store our valuable information. Applications have evolved over the years to cover a wide range of technologies, but if you have the source code we can convert it to a cloud platform and you can log in to a secure webpage and have the same (or better) functionality. The same thing is true with the database, move it to your favorite cloud provider and *poof* bad guys have a whole new challenge. The best news of all is has over 350 software engineers that cover almost all technologies and can assist with short-term builds and testing or long-term support and make the entire journey enjoyable. We support IBM, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon and can recommend a platform as needed based on your unique company needs or work right alongside your team on the platform you have already chosen.

Why keep worrying about bad guys breaking into your server and stealing the gold? Move the gold and sleep better at night. Got questions about our people, process, or products? Give us a shout.


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