Move Fast or Be Left Behind
For those of you interested the 2017 Global SOF Symposium – Europe it is coming like a freight train. We had 276 people in Vilnius, Lithuania for the 2016 symposium and the registration numbers for the 2017 symposium are way ahead of that the 2016 numbers. We think we will hit 300 attendees. Additionally, nations are coming off their summer vacations and moves and we are getting more and more confirmations. You can go to the website at and see everything.
If you have not yet registered to attend the symposium then please go to and register to attend. If you are struggling with how to justify the trip if you can go to the tab marked ATTEND you will see a section on JUSTIFICATION. If they does not work then look for another employer.
If you have not made room reservation for the symposium at the Marriot JW then please go to and register before 24 August when the room block goes away. You do not want to lose the ability to stay in a 5-star hotel for around $130 a night.
Come helps us welcome the establishment of the new Romanian Joint SOF Headquarters.