Dr. Tammy McCotter,Trio Ph.D. h.c.
People Empowerment Trainer, Mindset Strategist, Motivational Speaker, Author and Life Coach. Vested in impacting the lives of Students, Executives and the incarcerated population for change.
Are you stuck and feel that you cannot move? Do you feel as if life an opportunity is passing you by? Do you feel that everyone else BUT you has success and things always work out for them...if this is you, M.OV.E. Yes Tammy, I've tried but I can't. I have no one to help me, or support me. No one will allow me to move forward on my job because they say I am not qualified. Let me allow you in on this secret..... You do not need or require anyone's permission to M.O.V.E. It only requires ACTION!! The action required is belief in YOURSELF! If you BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN NOT, YOU CAN NOT; IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN, YOU CAN.....BE IT UNTO YOU! There is truly no force that is able to stop a made-up mind. One of the identifier that becomes visible when you possess a made up mind is the ability to M.O.V.E. M.O.V.E. stands for Make Obvious Valuate Effort! Simply put, this means you must make incontestable, unmistakable, and noticeable estimation of worth and quality at every vigorous and determined attempt to accomplish your goals. That's a mouth full to say, but it means GIVE IT YOUR ALL! Do not allow the setbacks, the no’s, the closed doors, the lack of support or the length of time, stop you, M.O.V.E! 2023 is the year of the impossible, "I'M POSSIBLE". Don't allow distractions to stop you, simply make-up your mind to M.O.V.E.