Move beyond Limitations.
We are the co-creators of our life either by deliberation or by default. Our life now is the function and creation of our thoughts, words, emotions and actions. In short, we are the cause; our lives are the effect. The formula is simple; utilizing this formula to an intended (desirable) end is a bit more complicated, given our natural tendency to live, react and perpetuate a story that declares that we are a victim to forces outside of ourselves. Do outside forces, conditions and people have an effect on the outcome of our lives? They do, but only in relation to our response to those conditions. If we subscribe to a belief that we are limited because of outside factors, that will be the truth of our experience. So, if we wish to move beyond perceived limitations, we must refrain from seeing them as obstacles and begin to reframe them as unique opportunities. We must stop comparing ourselves to the lives and experiences of others and begin to consider that we are exceptions rather than “the rule.”
If we wish to be deliberate creators (rather than simply living our lives in response to whatever happens to unfold), we must consider our narrative.. What is the story that we are telling? Are our conversations and social media posts a diatribe about the uncertainty, unfairness and unbearable aspects of life? Do we find ourselves continually joining the choirs of misfortune and injustice in a world gone seemingly mad? As understandable and common as this may be as part of the human experience (it is easier to bond with others over shared challenges and difficulties), it will guarantee that we continue our roles as powerless victims in an unjust world. If we want to be conscious creators, we must be disciplined in our role as authors, rather than characters in another’s story. We are writing the story that is our life; so, why not continue to write the story where we are the hero that always reigns victorious no matter how unexpected the obstacle?
There are several tools at our disposal that will effectively enable us to make the transition to conscious creator. First, only share and speak about what you want. Any time that we utter the words, “don’t,” “not,” and “no,” we are making a declaration of what we do NOT want. Stop, reframe and rephrase. We need to state what we want instead. This is imperative in all forms of communication, both verbally in and in text (social media posts, etc). Second, begin to keep a gratitude journal every day, noting specific gifts and blessings that we have been awarded that day. Over time, this will enable us to shift our vision from that which is not to that which is, increasing our receptivity to greater opportunities, gifts and blessings. Third, in addition to the gratitude journal, engage in a daily “rampage of appreciation.” Speak about all of the beauty, opportunities, miracles, successes and joys that we witness and experience. Fourth, engage a daily mindfulness practice—meditation so that we may remain centered and open to our intuition.
Success or sabotage? Success is more accessible to those who believe that it is within their power to bring it to fruition. As long as we live as victims, we are guaranteeing, creating and perpetuating a life of dissatisfaction.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Every day arrives with many seeds of opportunity. Will you take the time to water them and nurture their growth?