Mourning my Dad, V Rev Fr Boutros Touma Issa  ?????????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ????

Mourning my Dad, V Rev Fr Boutros Touma Issa ?????????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ????

It is with heavy heart and full submission to the will of God that I announce the passing of the person whom I am very proud and immensely privileged to call DAD V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa, who entered the eternal life on 11th January 2025 at 4:20 p.m. in Perth, Western Australia.

Dad is our family's rock, the pillar of wisdom, the bank of knowledge, a great Priest, outstanding leader, professional author, talented poet, and most importantly was a humble servant at the Lord's altar within the boundaries of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. His departure from this earthly life is a great loss to us as a family, the community and the church. May God repose Dad's soul, and benefit us of his prayers.

No matter how much I try to write, I will not be able to do my Dad V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa justice. Therefore, I decided to quote the introduction from the book of which V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa was the main editor, under the title With Life, A Swift Journey in the Diary of Archpriest V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa. An outstanding service for more than sixty years for The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch which is 724 pages long published in 2021 in Perth, Western Australia.


This book is a humble attempt to honour the great person in our lives, the man whom we always describe as ‘The Rock’ in our lives; we are blessed to be able to work on this book under the supervision of the main editor and chief consultant of this publication. Certainly, this book was researched and compiled under the supervision of the Contents’ Chief Consultant and Senior Editor V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa, the subject of this book.

Indeed, whilst the idea was there in the minds of the Issa siblings for a long time, as they have, and from young age, always witnessed and continue to this day witness, how careful V. Rev. Fr. Issa (i.e., Their Dad) was and continues to be to record entries in his diary prior to and following any activity or a visit undertaken by him, or a visit to his residence by others and/or a significant historical event that might take place around the world. Though the Issa siblings do not have the habit of going through their father’s diary, but he gave them the authority to do so. This permission was given when the Issa siblings, the compilers/researchers of this book, undertook another project; in 2017, the publication of another book under the title: “Readings in the 20th Century Genocide of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch (Sayfo)”. Then and there the Issa siblings took refuge in this diary to record the historical events, including the recent 21st century persecution of Christians, from which members of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s family who were uprooted from their village ‘Bartleh’ overnight prior to the attacks on the village, and other events that took place in Bartleh, Mesopotamia in 2014. Now, the Issa siblings have gone back to this three-volume diary to be informed and enlightened in preparation of their research for this book.

Now, with regards to this book ‘With Life…’ the idea for this book was always there in the minds of the Issa Family, but, it took some time to convince V. Rev. Fr. Issa to commence such a project, and finally felt that the 60th Sacerdotal Anniversary, 50th Promotion to Archpriest Anniversary, and the 30th Anniversary of commencement of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s ministry in Perth, Western Australia, Australia would be a great trigger, specifically as the Issa Family did not mark this occasion with the same level celebrations as was done for the previous milestones in V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s life of 2009 and 2014. Thus, the work on this book that commenced back in 2019, now, in 2021, and after thorough research, several drafts, the Issa Family’s idea, dream and wish has been transformed into reality, as the book is finally came into fruition.

This book ‘With life…’ provides a swift journey in the life, and a brief memoire of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, who this year 2021 marks his 90th Birthday – wishing V. Rev. Fr. Issa, a long and healthy life, pray. God hears these prayers.

This book derives mainly from some selected entries from the three volumes’ diary of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, the brief accounts of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s education, qualifications, services, and accolades. This diary that V. Rev. Fr. Issa retained and updated in three languages (Syriac, English, and Arabic) since 1945 and continues to update to this day and time. In addition, the Issa siblings (i.e., the researchers and compilers of this book) took refuge in the Issa Family’s archive, and most importantly, of course from the stories that V. Rev. Fr. Issa shared and continues to share with the Issa siblings from his memories, and recollections, whereas some of these stories, and when recalled, continue to be very vivid in the minds and souls of the five siblings, the children of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, may God the Almighty continue to grant him health and wisdom, and Bathqyomo Marine (2016+), may God repose her soul, who happens to be the mother of the researchers/compilers of this book (i.e., Theodora, Touma, Tomayess, Tamara and Theodore).

The methodology adopted for this book is extremely simple as it adheres to the famous saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ telling the story through mostly the use of images derived from the Issa Family archive with elaborated captions for each of the images. Further, it is worthwhile to note here that throughout the book there will be a mix of stories coming from events and activities, from the church and from the family events and activities, whereas it is difficult to segregate the two events and activities, as both the Church life and V. Rev. Fr. Issa and the Issa family’s life are intertwined. Undeniably, it is prudent here to indicate that these images’ captions intend to provide a great insight into these images endeavouring to highlight the personalities that are featured therein, and the years when those images were taken. The images encompassed in this book were taken at different occasions, milestones, and in different countries around the world. These images will also in addition to the elaborated captions, and in some cases would be preceded by ample explanations in relation to the specific event that such images cover.

With regards to the language used. This book is written mostly in English, with the use of two other languages (i.e., Syriac/Aramaic and Arabic), where possible. The Syriac/Aramaic language, the mother tongue of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, the Arabic language, which V. Rev. Fr. Issa studied later in life, mastering this language at the academic level, thus, he then taught this Arabic language alongside the Syriac/Aramaic language at different levels (e.g., schools and universities). The third language in which this book is written would be English, which V. Rev. Fr. Issa studied first when he was in Mesopotamia but strengthened his knowledge of this language when he arrived in Australia. Having said that, English might be the dominant language since the researchers/compliers derive from one of the sources that was published mainly in English, which is the weekly bulletin ‘THE LIGHT’ ‘NOOHRO’ ????? that V. Rev. Fr. Issa, was the main editor and with the help of Bathqyomo Marine (2016+) and members of the Issa Family. It is worthwhile to note here that this weekly bulletin was, prepared, designed, translated, published and hard copies distributed to the community on weekly basis at the Weekly Divine Liturgy from 1995 – 2016 held at St. Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Church, in Perth, Western Australia. Further, this newsletter was sent through ordinary airmail to family and friends overseas, and now has some presence on the web

Of course, in this book, and following this brief introduction by the compilers/researchers, and a concise discussion about the childhood of V. Rev. Fr. Issa (i.e., Boutros), the Issa siblings recall those beautiful days, and the great celebrations of the wedding of Boutros to Marine in 1957. This will be followed by recalling the events around and on the ordination of Boutros into the priesthood at the hands of His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Yacoub III Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church then (1980+). This ordination took place at St. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral, Beirut, Lebanon, on 4th January 1959. Then, recall the promotion of Rev. Fr. Issa to Archpriest on 24th January 1969 at the hands of H.E. Mor Dyoskoros Luka Sha’ia (2006+) at St. Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Church in Amman – Jordan following an Apostolic decree by His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Yacoub III Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church then (1980+), while including some of the events and images that took place during that period.

It is worthwhile to note here that these milestones in the lives of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, Bathqyomo Marine (2016+) and the Issa Family members, in the earlier years, were always marked with limited celebrations at church, and home. However, in Australia, and blessed by God the Almighty the Issa Family had the chance to honour V. Rev. Fr. Issa and Bathqyomo Marine (2016+) marking such important milestones. For example, thanksgiving Divine Liturgies, followed by thanksgiving meals, with the presence of family and friends, were held to mark the Sacerdotal Jubilee, Anniversary of promotion to the rank of Archpriest, and the Anniversary of the commencement of the Ministry in Perth, Western Australia in 2009, 2014 and 2019. Also, the thanksgiving Divine Liturgies, followed by thanksgiving meals attended by family and friends, were held in 2007, and 2012 for the milestone anniversaries of the wedding of Boutros and Marine.

Indeed, the 2007, 2009, 2012, and 2014 celebrations were held, when Bathqyomo Marine (2016+) was with the Issa Family in the flesh and prior to her eternal sleep on 2nd March 2016. Therefore, this book will bring forth a collection of some of the congratulatory messages that were received on different occasions including those received on V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s 50th, 55th and 60th Sacerdotal Anniversary, V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s 40th, 45th and 50th Archpriest Anniversaries, and the 25th and the 30th anniversary of the commencement of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s ministry in Perth, Western Australia.

In addition, the researchers/compilers will be recalling the days when V. Rev. Fr. Issa was honoured by Syriac Orthodox Patriarchs; for example, the honours received in 2013 from His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church then (2014+); the honours received in 2017 and 2018 from His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, during H.H. two Apostolic visits to Western Australia in November 2017 and June 2018. Also, the honour received from the Patriarchal Vicar of Australia and New Zealand, H.E. Mor Malatius Malki Malki in 2020.

The following paragraphs, provide some guidance on how to go through the different parts of this book that highlights the major milestones in the always giving life of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, a life that have been recently described by one the Syriac Orthodox Community members, as ‘a lifetime of spiritual service and nourishment to our Syriac Orthodox Communities’.

Part One provides a brief insight about the origin and country of birth of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, his studies, and his commitment to the church and positions in the church from a young age. Part one will introduce ‘Boutros’ who was first named ‘Severus’ as he was born on the feast of St. Severus but was then re-named Boutros on his baptism day. Boutros was born in Bartleh, the plains of Nineveh, of the land of Mesopotamia, which is currently referred to as Iraq. Then, this first part moves to provide some appreciation of and insights into the life of the Seminarian Boutros, Deacon Boutros in Mosul, Damascus, and Beirut, leading to the wedding of Boutros and Marine in Lebanon in 1957, and the birth of the five children that were bestowed on Boutros and Marine in Lebanon and Jordan.

Part Two provides selected insights into the events that led to the ordination of Deacon Boutros as a Priest to become known as Rev. Fr. Issa in Beirut on 4th January 1959, and how life changed with the move to a new country to serve God and the beloved Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch and her children (i.e., the Syriac Orthodox Community members) in Amman, Jordan. In this second part, some of the images that were taken at the ordination, the arrival in Amman, and other activities done by Rev. Fr. Issa, the priest and the father in Amman, Damascus, and Lebanon during that period (i.e., prior to the move to Australia) will be shared.

Part three provides some insights into the life of V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa in Amman, Jordan with the family and community there. This is followed by the invitation to the promotion’s celebrations, and some images taken during the celebrations of the promotion to the rank of Archpriest through a decree from His Holiness Yacoub III (1980+), at the hands of the H.E. Luka Sha’ia (2006+) at St. Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Church in Amman, Jordan on 24th January 1969. This part concludes by the provision of some further selected insights, and very brief account on the works done by V. Rev. Fr. Issa while serving the beloved Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch in Amman - Jordan during the difficult times of war and uncertainty, leading to the day of leaving Amman on 6th July 1989. Also, this part includes some images of the visits by His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Yacoub III (1980+) in 1961 and 1963, and His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas (2014+) in 1982 to Amman, Jordan.

Part four provides some insights into the move to Perth, Western Australia in 1989. Just following the celebration of the thirtieth sacerdotal jubilee, and the twentieth anniversary of the promotion to the rank of Archpriest in Amman – Jordan, and in July 1989, V. Rev. Fr. Issa, may God the Almighty continue to grant him health and wisdom, Bathqyomo Marine (2016+) may God the Almighty repose her soul, and their youngest son Theodore arrived in Perth, to commence the work to serve the ‘small flock’ in Western Australia, Australia. In this fourth part, the researchers/compilers go through some family events, such as the wedding of the youngest amongst the daughters ‘Tamara’, the wedding of the youngest son ‘Theodore’, and the birth of some of the grandchildren (i.e., Tabitha-Mary, Antoinette-Wadia, Cephas-Severus-Michael, Jacob-John, and Mary), their Christening services’ celebrations, and other events in the lives of the children and the community including some celebrations, lectures, and of course, the Apostolic visit of His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas (2014+) to Perth in 1994. Of course, throughout, the achievements of any of the Issa children, if any, in these years will be highlighted.

Part five commences with recalling the celebrations of the 50th wedding Anniversary of V. Rev. Fr. Issa and Bathqyomo Marine (2016+). This part provides, and through images, some insights into the Thanksgiving Divine Liturgy and Thanksgiving dinner held in their honour in Perth, Western Australia on 1st September 2007. This is followed by some selected insights into other events in the life of V. Rev. Fr. Issa that took place during the years 2007 to 2012 in Australia. This section also includes some images from the engagement and the wedding of the eldest son ‘Touma’ in 2008, and of course some images of the Christening service and celebration in January 2011 of the sixth grandchild ‘Talitha-Mary’ of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, may God the Almighty continue to grant him health and wisdom, and Bathqyomo Marine (2016+), may God repose her soul. Indeed, throughout, the achievements of any of the Issa children, if any, in these years will be highlighted.

Part six covers some of the events of the 50th Sacerdotal Anniversary of V. Rev. Fr. Issa, some insights into the Thanksgiving Divine Liturgy and Thanksgiving Dinner held on this occasion. Thus, this part intends, and once again, to tell the story through images taken on the day, add to this the congratulatory letters received, and the speeches given on the day. Thus, this part is fully dedicated for this important milestone in the life of V. Rev. Fr. Issa and the Issa family.

Part seven covers some of the events that took place following the above celebration, leading to the landmark visit of members of the Issa Family to Jordan in 2011, which was the first visit back to Jordan following V. Rev. Fr. Issa and Family’s move and migration to Australia in 1989. This is followed by the 2012 celebration of the 55th wedding anniversary of V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa, may God the Almighty continue to grant him health and wisdom, and Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa (2016+) may God repose her soul. Also, the travels overseas by V. Rev. Fr. Issa in 2013, and the honour bestowed on him in Germany as he received the ‘Aram’ Medal from Sweden. Further, the researchers/compilers will share some of the images that were taken during the other landmark event that took place towards the end of 2013, in the life of V. Rev. Fr. Issa which is the honour bestowed by His Holiness Moran Mor Ignaitus Zakka I Iwas (2014+), who deputised H.E. Mor Theophelous George Saliba, Archbishop of Mount Lebanon and Tripoli, Lebanon, to bestow the Mor Ignatius Norono medal on V. Rev. Fr. Issa in the presence of H.E. Mor Malatius Malki Malki, the Patriarchal Vicar of Australia and New Zealand. This is followed by other events that took place relating to the activities at the new property of St. Peter in Perth, the visits of the Bishops from India, and other parts of the world also the clergy from other denominations. Finally, this seventh part includes a mention of some of the joint celebrations that took place at St. Ephraim Church in Perth, for both the St. Ephraim’s and St. Peter’s congregations.

Part eight provides insights into some of the events in the life of the Issa Family including the 2014 thanksgiving Divine Liturgy, and celebrations of the 55th Sacerdotal golden jubilee and the 45th Archpriest anniversary, also the 25th anniversary of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s commencement of service in Perth Western Australia. Thereafter, the researchers/compilers share some of the events that took place during the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 in the life of V. Rev. Fr. Issa. Furthermore, in this part, the researchers/compilers stop and reflect on a major event and date in the life of the Issa Family, the 2nd of March 2016, which is the day that marks the eternal sleep of Bathqyomo Marine, an event that changed the Issa Family’s life forever. Thereafter, the researchers/compilers share some more of the activities, including the milestone 90th birthday of V. Rev. Fr. Issa sharing some of the congratulatory messages received from government officials on this occasion. This is followed by some insights into the activities in Perth with Government Officials, and the two Apostolic visits of His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox church in 2017 and 2018. In November 2017 and during the first Apostolic visit to Perth HH honoured V. Rev. Fr. Issa with the SAYFO cross during the Divine Liturgy that was celebrated by HH in Perth, Western Australia. In the June 2018 apostolic visit to Perth HH blessed and consecrated the St. Ephraim’s Altar at St. Peter’s Church, and the SAYFO plaque. Both were sponsored by V. Rev. Fr. Issa and Family, with the SAYFO plaque carrying an engraved statement for the repose of the soul of Bathqyomo Marine (2016+). Also, H.H. honoured V. Rev. Fr. Issa with plaque and a gift on behalf and in appreciation of his services to St. Peter’s congregation in Perth, Western Australia.

Part nine: This part provides insights into some of the congratulatory letters received by V. Rev. Fr. Issa on 60th Sacerdotal Anniversary and 50th Priesthood anniversary which also coincides the 30th year of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s arrival in Perth, Western Australia. This section concludes with more of the activities that continue to take place in Perth, Western Australia to this day and time. Life goes on for V. Rev. Fr. Issa who is currently enjoying his retirement, compiling some of his Syriac poems which were published in two books in 2019 at the Department of Syriac Studies, Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. Also, working on compiling other writings, in Arabic and English, whereas two books of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s writings in Arabic were published in September 2020. This part concludes by sharing some more images of the events that continue to take place at St. Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Church, Perth – Western Australia. And life goes on…

Part ten: This is the concluding part of the book which is an attempt provide some analysis of V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s leadership styles deriving from the literature, leading to the identification and definition of a particular and precise leadership style that would best describe our V. Rev. Fr. Issa’s leadership style through consideration of what the researchers/compilers of this book, the Issa’s five siblings had observed, and acquired throughout those years from their father V. Rev. Fr. Issa.

Here is hoping that you enjoy this swift journey in the diary of Archpriest V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa under the title ‘With Life…’. This being a true swift journey in some of the selected entries in the three-volume handwritten diary by V. Rev. Fr. Issa.

This introduction is concluded with a prayer to God the Almighty to safe-guard V. Rev. Fr. Issa, and hope that the contents of this book provide a very brief insight into the extremely demanding, eventful, active, hardworking, busy and fruitful life of the person who built his life from that young age, only speaking his mother tongue Aramaic/Syriac, to become that living legend who speaks more than one language, who lived and served the beloved Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch with abundant, immense and enormous authenticity, candour, seriousness, genuineness and sincerity in more than one country and in more than one continent, enriched the Syriac literature by his authorship, providing his children, with the base of their lives and the values to live by throughout.

Under the Supervision of the Contents’ Chief Consultant and Senior Editor:

V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa

Researched and compiled by:

The five children of:

V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa


Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa (2016+)


Theodora Issa, PhD, SFHEA, FAIM

Afodyakno Touma B. Issa, PhD, MRACI, C CHEM

Tomayess Issa, PhD, SFHEA, MACS, PREP

Tamara Issa Raphael

Afodyakno Theodore Issa, FCPA CA


Here is the announcement of the eternal sleep of my Dad that was published in Syriac, and other two languages:

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Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness, and thy saints with glory.

(Psalm 132:9)

With full submission to the will of God and completing all his deeds according to the rites of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, it is with profound sadness we announce that V. Rev. Cor-Episcopa Fr. Boutros Touma Issa Ramo Khoshaba Marya (The son of Deacon Touma Issa &? Makdsieh Kurty Hanna Ha?ii? of Bartleh) returned to the Heavenly Father on Saturday 11 January 2025 surrounded by his family members in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

V. Rev. Fr. Issa has served the Holy Church for eighty years, starting with him joining the seminary in Mosul, Iraq in 1945, and since then has dedicated his life to the Holy Church of Antioch, following graduation, served in Lebanon, and Syria mainly as a teacher of Syriac Language and a secretary of the Thrice Blessed Yacoub III (1980+), then served the St Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church in Amman, Jordan (which he named), during the period 1959-1989, when he moved to Perth Western Australia, establishing the St. Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church, and assisting in the establishment of St. Peter’s Church.?

We offer thanksgiving to God the Almighty for the fruitful life of V. Rev. Cor-Episcopa Fr. Boutros Touma Issa and his unwavering dedication to the Holy Church and the Holy See of Antioch and Her Sacred Mother Tongue (Syriac) throughout his life and pray for the repose of his soul.? May he be in the company of the pious and the righteous.

Further details regarding the Christian burial will be communicated once they are finalised.

In Him we trust,

Priest, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother, Uncle, Friend, A Distinguished Poet, Professional Author, Creative Scholar, Church and Community leader, who will be sadly missed.

The Issa Family, (Wife Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa (2016+), his children Theodora, Touma, Tomayess, Tamara and Theodore)

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Go in peace beloved Father

???? ????? ???? ???? ???????

May God the Almighty repose your soul Dear Dad, V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa and benefit us from your prayers. Amen.

Thank you for everything you have done for us, and you have taught us throughout the years. Thank you for the sacrifices you have offered so we can live the life that you and Mum Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa (2016+) wished for us. May God repose your souls. Amen.

We will miss you very dearly.

Your Eldest Daughter

Theodora Issa


(1) The Issa Family's archives

(2) The book 'With Life' A swift journey in the diary of Archpriest V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa. An outstanding service for more than sixty years for The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch - 2021 Under the Supervision of the Contents’ Chief Consultant and Senior Editor: V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa Researched and compiled by: The five children of: V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa & Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa (2016+) Namely: Theodora Issa, PhD, SFHEA, FAIM, Afodyakno Touma B. Issa, PhD, MRACI, C CHEM, Tomayess Issa, PhD, SFHEA, MACS, PREP, Tamara Issa Raphael, Afodyakno Theodore Issa, FCPA CA.

(3) V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa webpage

(4) The Noohro youtube channel that contains prayers by V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa

(5) Videos narrated by V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa in the Syriac dialect of Bartleh (his village).


Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

1 天前

God repose your souls

  • 该图片无替代文字
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

1 天前

Oh Dad - we continue to pray - may God repose your soul and benefit us with your prayers. On the 9th anniversary of Mum Bathqyomo Marine Khoury-Issa (2016+) eternal sleep we also prayed for you... and as you taught us always we pray for others, thus we prayed for the Thrice Blessed Mor Dionosius Behnam Jijawi (2014+) and V Rev Fr AbdelAhad KisAfrim (2024+) May God have mercy on us...

  • 该图片无替代文字
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

1 周

The 40day memorial was held in St Ephraim Syrian Orthodox Church on #16FEB2025 - may God repose your soul oh Dad Fr. Boutros Touma Issa and benefit us with your prayers. Amen

  • 该图片无替代文字
Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

1 周

Oh Dad - indeed St. Georges also held 40days prayers - thanks to the priest and the community - God bless

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Dr Theodora ??????? Issa ???? SFHEA, FAIM

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ethical Mindsets), Author, Academic, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy at Advance HE, Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, Alumna of UWA, Murdoch, and Curtin Universities

1 周

Oh Dad - indeed other 40days prayers were held at St. Jacob Church in Melbourne - Thanks to the priests and the community. God bless

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