"Mourning Hair" Blog #54: Generation X: Kiss Me Deadly

"Mourning Hair" Blog #54: Generation X: Kiss Me Deadly

"Mourning Hair" Blog #54: Generation X: Kiss Me Deadly 

So ok, cool... I've been hyper productive laying in bed, coughing my brains out, but productive never the less. I suppose some people get sick and they just lay like broccoli, nope not me, I have to be close to dead for that...

I have been thinking a lot lately about generation gaps. Not so much about the age component but the technology aspect. I just don't understand how people refuse to grow and change. I wonder if people gave such push-back to the steam engine as they do about social media? It's pretty amazing when you look back at the last 100 years at all the technological advancements. The current generation will see more advancement in the span of a year than what we have seen in the last 50 (maybe I am exaggerating).

Growing up in the 80's was awesome. I can remember when we got our first microwave. How revolutionary was that! Hot in a minute! No stove necessary. I am sure most don't think the way I do, but there were no water bottles (tap water or a hose) or resealable drinks. You opened something up with a pop-top and you had to finish it. No television controllers, cable was brand new, Atari, and the five pound brick portable phone. I was a lucky girl, I did have a telephone in my room, it had a 20 foot cord, but I was a happy. People worked 9-5 jobs and unplugged when they got home. There was no such thing as tele-commuting. Remember what money looks like? I do! I don't carry any, but I remember what it was like to have to make bank hours.

I am digressing, as always... Gen-X. I am thrilled to be labeled Generation X. I think we are the luckiest (meaning given the time we were born/grew up). We had a lot of modern amenities and advancements throughout our lives with witnessing the explosions of the world wide web, email, text messaging, social media platforms, and virtual reality, etc... This has forced us to keep up and learn new skills that keep us relevant and useful. If we continue to grow we may even be successful. I mean there was once a time, not long ago, we all thought the FAX machine was magical!

What I find to be the coolest part about being an X-er is the fact that we have had to adapt to survive. We were raised with minimal technologies (a type writer) and old school principles (put the work in, a handshake, build relationships), that enable us to know the healthy balance between what is needed to be done to keep us successful in business. We have been forced to adapt. Computers (yes I said computers. I didn't send my first email until 1995), Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat... Learn or lose out...

Whether you work for someone else or own your own business, the rules still apply! We must accept change and move with it.

What I am finding is that I am surrounded by two sets of people or generations. The Gen-Y's and Z's that grew up with technology literally at their baby fingertips, but don't know how to build relationships and put the time in, and the Baby Boomers and people of the "Greatest" generation that think they don't need technology for their business and refuse to adapt. If you build it, they will not "just" come. Now I know I may be over generalizing, but this is a trend that I am seeing a lot of lately. How do you forge the gap between these generations? Each have so much to offer and learn from one another.

Will there come a time when it all melds together? Will social graces and building relationships be a thing of the past? THE ANSWER IS NO! People want value in what they are spending their time and money on. That will always be the case. 

Right now I am reading several books and watching different vlogs on social media platforms and the like. I may be headed out of my comfort zone, but at least I am willing to take that leap. How will you push the limit today? Comfort = Stagnant = Bacteria = Decay

  "If you are green you are growing and if you are ripe you rot". Ray Croc 


I think I am going to start multi-generational workshops and seminars. Maybe open a charm school?

I think I may be onto something...

The Learning Experience Doylestown

Jennifer Eckfield

Miss Jenny

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