Mountain Minute: A Few Words about Telepathy
The Telepathy Tapes podcast makes the case that "non-speakers with autism—individuals who have long been misunderstood and underestimated—possess gifts that defy conventional understanding, from telepathy to otherworldly perceptions, challenging the limits of what we believe to be real."
Last night, I listened to episode one and found it extremely frustrating to be assessing the validity of such assertions when supplied only with an edited version of an audio. Again and again, I heard the host tell us that the autistic individual read her mother's mind.
But I didn't see it happen. So I started to be a tad skeptical.
That led me to do some research online, where skeptics are pushing back hard on this extremely popular podcast. It's not evidence of telepathy, they say, it's simply evidence of how badly we want to believe in telepathy.
Wait a minute, I thought... I'm acting like a jerk. It doesn't matter whether or not I believe. It matters only whether a person can actually use telepathy in their own life.
To put this another way, why does a telepathic person need to prove they are telepathic?
I don't know whether anyone else in the world is telepathic, but there are many times when I know exactly what my partner is thinking; she has similar experiences with me. Could this simply be a function of being so used to each other? Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Sometimes, we connect telepathically. Do I care whether you believe me? Not one bit. It is the most heartfelt evidence I have how strongly connected we are. That's plenty for me.
If autistic kids can read their mother's mind, that is absolutely wonderful. If every skeptic in the world doesn't believe them... who cares?
I'm telling you this for one simple reason: it's easy to get caught up in what others think about us. Are we talented, intelligent, perceptive or good enough?
Avoid that trap.
Use your own standards to judge your own life.
If you're telepathic, tell those who are curious and don't say a word to anyone else.
If you personally are curious about this subject, check out this four-minute fictional story I wrote about telepathy.
Advanced Analytics, AI, Innovator, Designer, Healthcare, Smart Intelligent Textiles
2 周Nurses are known to carry extraordinary sentient abilities to save lives and better manage their workloads where missing a physiologic signal whether verbalized or not leads to inadvertent death - on the path of developing higher consciousness for 25 years I use more than 15% of my potential where for connect with similar - I’m known to kythe which is known in Scottish history as the highest realm of spiritual connection - it’s lovely. As is being the first person a casual acquaintance cross continent calls in dire tragic emergency - where he said ‘ I called you from India because my heart knows you care’. Meditate. Be of service to others. Love. Life. Death. Evolve. A few words about telepathy - with manifestation and telepathy and purity of love - its all very very very good - where after death telepathy is quite lovely and written by many masters historically.
Customer Service Agent at Goochland County, Virginia
3 周What a great thought for the day! I love this idea!
Head of Product Marketing | B.Eng., MA, MBA, Life Coach
3 周I believe you Bruce Kasanoff. I often think about doing something, and by the time I move from one room to another, I find that my partner has already done it—like lighting a candle. Or sometimes, when he’s out grocery shopping, I suddenly crave avocado and wish I had added it to the list—only for him to come home with it! These are just a couple of examples, but we experience this kind of connection regularly. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Chief Copywriting Officer & CEO of CaringMessenger Copywriting/Christ-Centered/Upside-Down Eternal Lens Leadership
3 周Comparison is a trap. Just because you can’t see something with your physical eyes doesn’t mean it’s not real. Don’t judge, lest you be judged. My faith is real. I don’t care if anyone believes me. I simply share about my experiences with God and how He has blessed me with goodness unimaginable. I’m not worthy, but He is. Live and let live. I won’t know everything on this side of heaven and I’m okay with that. I’ll wait with hopeful expectations until that day. And then forever. Peace be with you ???
Right! A Quest for a New Challenge Is Started . I Am Being Pulled Towards a New Passion ??!
3 周Avoid the trap of caring what other people think of you by remembering this: What other people think of you is none of your business!