Mountain MasterMind
Kerry George
CEO at CIBN Connect - Vice President Of Communications at A Better Calgary Party, Author, Global Business Mentor
Having a mastermind where you get together with a group of like-minded individuals to have focus time and discussion and strategy and planning around a singular idea is incredibly effective method of getting a project done.
For years we have been running masterminds with business owners and entrepreneurs helping them to establish the strategies that moved the needle forward in their businesses. We've created powerful marketing programs, operational procedures, and sales teams using a mastermind as the method of collaboration and growth.
Last year I started putting on mountain masterminds where I take a select group of my clients out into the mountains for six days where we work on a singular strategy that is designed to add a $150,000 to their bottom line. I take only 6 people with me and they have to be coaches or have a membership based business in order to qualify. This particular strategy is designed for someone with these qualifications to have the best results.
The Mother Of All Books
While we are there we work on, and in many cases finish, a book. This is not just any book that you could do with any coach or any person who publishes. It is a very specific book that is designed to run an ad strategy campaign where the ads will pay for themselves. If we can run an ad for $100 and get $105 in book sales, or upgrades then we have the ability to raise the ad spend easily and scale the project. We can then run $1000 worth of ads and keep scaling. Soon we can be running an ad campaign for thousands of dollars each month, because there are more sales than there is costs for the ad campaign. This is one of the methods that big players use.
The book is designed in such a way that it brings the coach high quality, frothing at the mouths, loyal clients. When the reader consumes the content they are falling in love with the highest ticket offer that the author has. By the time they have finished the book they are willing to pay for whatever the offer is and they will seek out and find the author to give them the money. It is a beautiful thing.
I first learned of the strategy myself a few years ago and I have implemented it in our business and we have helped others implement it into their businesses. As I have been working with entrepreneurs for more than a decade now it occurred to me that if I could get them focused on finishing the task of a short book in a matter of days, they could then have this strategy in place in their business in a short period of time instead of taking a year or two to finish a book. In fact, the same content can be repurposed and bare fruit within 90 days to start bringing in clients quickly.
I also found it was incredibly important to get the author away from distraction as we did the work, but also away from all of the failed methods of writing a book that are out there. It seems that everywhere I look somebody is offering a collaboration book which is absolutely useless for the authors to make any revenue from. The world is rife with opportunities from publishers who are happy to take $25,000 deposits with no promise of marketing the book at all. And the current fad is to put one's book up onto Amazon and get a bunch of our friends to buy it all on the same day so we can say that we have a best seller. When in fact we are liars who have hijacked the system. All we really have is an empty pocket book and an accolade similar to a resume,? which we never wanted in the first place because we're entrepreneurs.
For more than 14 years I have watched business owners run one failed attempt after another in the book selling arena. Many of my friends have multiple books on the market but they're still not making any money from those books. So to be clear, we will not be using any of those strategies. If you think you are coming to write your memoirs please stay home. If you want to write a feel-good book for your grandchildren, I will recommend you to someone else. If you think a book is a business card, please find someone else. There is lots of help out there for those things, and this is not that.
On May 1st I will once again be taking a small group out to the mountains. There will be only 6 participants. I already have 4 people signed up. This is not for everybody. And this is only for those who are coaches or for those who have a membership based business. It's not cheap. And you have to qualify.?
If you are interested in having a discussion about this you can contact me by sending an email to [email protected].
If you don’t know who I am and what I may offer to you as a coach or if you are trying to get a membership business to fly, then watch THIS PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE for a taste of what I can offer you. I have 9 methods to add $150,000 to your bottom line and that will allow you to see if my team has solutions for you. This may be a good place to start, and definitely check my personal recommendations on LinkedIn and feel free to contact any of those people and ask them about me. I know them all, very well.