Motivations: What are we really thinking?
Paul Lindley OBE
Founder Ella's Kitchen. Author Raising the Nation and Little Wins. Chancellor University of Reading. Founder Just IMAGINE if...
Very quickly - I've been thinking much about what motivates us to change our behaviours, or brand or product choice, or even opinion much recently and I just came across this article by @KarenPoole on how our motivation may not be that we think it is - relevant to both individuals and brands I think.
Elizabeth you make an excellent point! This marketeer only likes to use to use these powers for good :)? Have you seen this amazing lady's work?
That was an excellent article, Paul, that brought up two truths for me : 1. everyone has hidden motives and desires, 2. marketers must make intelligent, as well as ethical, choices when crafting campaigns that target them. It's one thing to make people "feel bad" about a smelly loo, and very much another to make young women "feel bad" about their body hair... It may be an “elephant“, but we shouldn't let it squash anyone with the pure goal of increasing sales. I'll have to check out the book!