Motivations for Change
Often, I receive calls from people looking for a career change it got me thinking, what is the motivation for change? I thought I would write up my opinions on what makes people think about making a change.
In my eyes the main motivation, so many people say they are looking for something new as they haven’t received a pay increase since they started. My first question is normally, have you asked for one? The usual answer is no! Why wait until you have an alternative offer on the table to be offered more money by your current employer, a counter offer is often a quick fix to them finding a suitable replacement. Understand your value! Do you know what you are worth? Do you ask people who are in a position to advise what people like you might be earning elsewhere? Do you have the relationship to go and speak to your line manager and discuss pay?… if not then the next section is certainly relevant.
Line Manager
Another motivation for change is a poor manager relationship, so many people have poor working relationships meaning they are always at locker heads with their boss. How many people are in positions where they think they should be in their manager's position. Rather than supporting it becomes a task of setting them up to fail and trying to trip them up hoping to progress yourself into their shoes. Often managers deal with so much more than what can be seen by others, so build a good relationship, support them in what they do and work hard to earn progression.
Career Prospect
Many people take a leap of faith to pursue progression in a career and you know what I don’t blame them. Ensure when working for a company it has the same ambitions as you, does the company want continued growth or is it happy lying dormant in its current state. If it’s the latter, then the chances of career progression are very slim. When a company expands then each department grows, creating new opportunities to lead teams and achieve your goals.
Many people do not understand how an environment can affect the way you work. This is something I can speak of from first hand experience, there is nothing worse than walking into an office full of life sponges. Those who sit there complaining before they have even turned their computer on, never have anything positive to say. The environment is mostly managed by the manager in charge of that department but ask yourself this, do you fill others with positivity? Do you celebrate small wins within your office? Why is it big achievements are celebrated but the small achievements that combined came together to achieve something great are disregarded.
Work-Life Balance
How often do we hear it nowadays? Let’s be honest we all probably spend more time in work than we do with our families but unfortunately, that is the nature of the beast. Most companies now support a much better Work-Life balance, but some still don’t. Again, most people do not ask the question, would you be able to be as productive doing some tasks from home. Never underestimate how much an evening meal with the family can lift your mood. A positive mindset can have such an impact on the way you work, you will find yourself more motivated and happier. When your next smiling and laughing in the office have a look at how it can affect others, it’s contagious it brings the best out of us all.
Making a change to your career is often needed. Think about the factors above before making the move. Are you motivated to move for money? If so, have you thought about the environment? People often become blinded by salaries and job title, think about the culture of the business, think about the company’s aspirations do they match yours. In three years’ time are you going to be doing the same role? Are you going to be happy doing that or do you want to work for a company striving to be better?
Retired at Retired
5 年Nice article Chris