#MotivationMondays - Give Birth Already!!
Nicholas Carter
I train, facilitate discussion for, and write to people in the corporate space.
Eh, it can wait.
How many times have we put off something that we could literally do in the moment! Because we were in the middle of something. Because it would be outside of our normal routine. Because we just didn’t feel like doing it.
It’s the same tension women go through in pregnancy. The pain of giving birth to a child vs the relief of the pregnancy being over. The end of carrying that baby inside her.
But why do we find it easier to hobble on - pregnant with our overdue tasks and intentions, instead of fulfilling them? Why do we let our outcomes be determined by others because of our failure to act?
Ah, I forgot to email that thing!
The deadline’s tomorrow??
Another late fee???
How much regret could we avoid if we could get to these outcomes faster? How would they change if we could change our shoulds to dids quicker and quicker?
I’m not talking about enlightenment or nirvana here. But are you able to reduce the time it takes to get to outcomes in your life?
Here’s to a lot less Eh, it can waits.
Here’s to going from should to did.
Here’s to using the week to get your time down!