Motivational speaking is only for the rich and successful. And I’m not that.
Indian Speakers and Coach Forum

Motivational speaking is only for the rich and successful. And I’m not that.

Truth be told, that was hard to hear, given that the words were from my student I'd known for a long time and who was presently 20 years of age. To make matters worse, I was his preferred instructor of any school year. Thus I stayed there discreetly, tuning in to his blunt yet young voice going through my phone speaker — we are chatting on WhatsApp.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, you are very nice teacher but why will people listen to you?”

He truly sounded puzzled, and as it were, so was I. Obviously, I was not successful to him. Regardless of my training, my teaching power, and my character… it appeared, I needed money to help others define and find their own measure of success. What a clobber!

Thus I stayed there, not saying anything besides rather thinking, contemplating what to say next. In spite of our social contrasts — he is from Romania and I am from the United States — he had a point. Who would want to learn from someone who had nothing to show for it? I pondered my lean financial balance, my 'luxurious’ Banana Republic shirts, and my treasured educating certificates. I considered my trophies n athlete and a coach, my travel around the globe, and the language I speak. I thought on the names of thousands of students I've experienced in my time of teaching and thought about whether I'd helped any whatsoever… and afterward I cleared my voice.

Setting the Stage

“Iacob, I’m not sure how to answer that,” I uttered, taking my time. “Certainly, money would help a great deal in convincing others of my value. Even you think so —

“Mr. Landers, I’m sorry.”

“No, no, it’s okay. There’s some truth to that. I think people need to see something before they believe something. But consider this; haven’t I been of help to you?”

“Yeah, yeah. Definitely. You are my favorite teacher. Of course, Mr. Landers. You know this.”

“I think then that motivational speaking is not about being an example of success but more about helping others to discover, believe in, and unleash the potential they didn’t know they had. And those latent powers that are released will hopefully guide them to whatever their idea of success is. Does that make sense?”

His voice sounded more hopeful now and the tiniest bit contrite, “Yes, you’re right, Mr. Landers. You are always right. Yes, yes, maybe you can become motivational speaker.”

“Thanks, Iacob —

“It’s just that, how can you start this? How do you just have nothing and go do something? Do you know some people? What will you talk about?”

Made from Scratch

It makes complete sense that you should know something about what you plan to pursue — especially when it’s a career change! But I didn’t have anything too specific in mind. So, I answered what I could.

“Do I know people, like people who are public speakers, or people who can help me get started?”


“Well, I know one motivational speaker. He’s a confidence coach.”

“What is his name?”

“His name?”

“Yes, I want to see if he’s famous.”

I laughed a little. Suppose I would’ve asked the same thing if the roles were reversed.

“Stan Pearson II. Look him up,” I capitulated.

“Okay, thank you. Now, do you know people who can make this happen for you?”

It sounded awkward, the tail end of his sentence, make this happen for you. I wasn’t really looking for anyone to make something happen for me, mostly because I intended — and intend — to make it happen myself. So I responded to that instead.

“Listen, Iacob, no one is going to make this happen for me. They don’t even know me yet. And the ones who do? I think you’ll find as you get older that a lot of people are just plain busy” — I didn’t want to say disinterested but I believe he connected the dots.

“I see,” he exhaled loudly into the receiver. Some seconds of silence passed. “And so if you will not teach about money — making money — then what?”

“Since you ask, and since we’re on the topic…I’ll talk about success.”

He laughed heartily. It was the kind of laugh that made me want to laugh, too, and so I did.

“I see what you are doing, Mr. Landers. Okay, okay, tell me about success.”

Teaching from the Heart: The World Is Your Oyster

“Consider this my first speech then. Ready?”

“Yes, I’m listening. This better be good if you are going to do this profession — professionally.”

“Alright, alright, I get it. Here we go. Earlier, you told me I was not successful, yes?”

“Ugghh. Please don’t remind me. But yes, I say this.”

“And it was about money, right?”

“Mr. Landers, what are you doing? Are you trying to make me feel bad?”

“I’m just asking questions.”

“Yes, yes. Okay. I did. God! This is the worst motivational speech of my life,” he fussed.

“It’s not that damn bad,” I returned.

“Mr. Landers! You curse? I have never heard you curse.”

“Anywayyyy, I want to separate you from such a toxic notion, that money equals success. So, another question —

“Jesus Christ!”

Ignoring his protest, “Would you consider a lottery winner a success?”

“No, of course not.”

“Why not?”

“Because they didn’t do anything for the money.”

“Precisely. That is, if we’re talking about money. But what about the action?”

“What action?”

“They purchased a ticket.”

“Yes, and they were lucky! That’s it.”

“A ticket costs money, Iacob. They had to spend money to make money. They had to take on risk.”

“So they took a risk. So what? They’re going to tell people about taking risks?”


“So they will tell others about taking risks…because they won money in a game?”

“Couldn’t someone use that story to teach others about taking risks, or consequences of not taking risks.”

“I see what you are doing, Mr. Landers. You are saying we all have stories and can teach people.”


“What is partially?”

“It means halfway.”

“So what is the other half?”

“I want you to understand that success is more than money; it’s about whatever you want it to be, though I believe the best form of success is an outcome or station that allows you to serve others, or help them share in your prosperity. Overcoming obstacles is a form of success; Enduring trials is a form of success; believing in yourself is a form of success. All of these things are hard to do.”

“Hmm, I agree.”

“Storytelling is the oldest form of learning and teaching, and I believe if I can learn how to tell stories and combine that skill with my experiences, I can become a motivational speaker. Because am the success story. Me. And I don’t need money to teach you that you are worth something. Got it?”

“Mr. Landers,” the airwaves grew still, “I think you will make great motivational speaker.”

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