Motivational Monday Volume 252! Lean is STOP!
Here is another extract from our upcoming book, The Premier Way!...
Another way of looking at lean is that it is all about STOP!
If something is bugging you, STOP! Stop and fix it!! Stop and improve the process!
STOP putting up with inefficiencies!
STOP putting up with waste!
STOP putting up with struggle!
STOP accepting a lower standard!
STOP accepting average!
STOP walking past that rubbish on the ground!
STOP and fix what bugs you!
No no, not later!! NOW!! Right NOW!
I you are putting up with waste and inefficiency and non value adding activity, you are shortening your life! Literally!
When you look at it this way, it makes you super urgent and motivated to STOP!
To stop wasting your life/ time away on non value adding activity!
Lean also teaches us to embrace our problems! To LOVE problems!
Every new problem presents a new opportunity!
An opportunity to learn and grow and improve!
An opportunity to get ahead in life! To make progress!
The goal is always to create flow! To remove the struggle in every process! In every area of your life! At work, at home, in your relationships, your health etc!
Every new problem you solve means that you are literally earning your masters degree in life! How cool is that!?
What problems will you solve today?
What is bugging you right now?
STOP putting up with it! NOW! Fix it now!
Lean is STOP!
Take action: Look around you right now. What is bugging you? STOP now and fix it! Then do this at least once a day for the rest of your life!
Small, incremental, daily improvements will change your life!??
Cheers to your success!
Bernard and the team at Premier Group NZ!