Motivational Monday Volume 215! Let's talk about mindset! Part 2
Here is another extract from our upcoming book, The Premier Way!...
This is part two of a three part series:
Having a positive, can do, optimistic mindset is absolutely key to your success at PGNZ and of course, in life too!
5. Surround yourself with high achievers! Proximity is power! You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with! Ask yourself the tough questions. Be courageous. Be firm. Who do you need to stop hanging out with? Who is dragging you down? Are you the smartest person in the room? If the answer is yes, you are in the wrong room. You need to be working with and socialising with people who are ahead of you in life. People who are more successful than you.
6. Eliminate your limiting beliefs! Using language like: ‘if only I had such and such I would be successful” will never help you! Throw out all your excuses! You can make money or excuses, you cant make both!
7. There is true magic in thinking BIG! Re look at your goals. Make them bigger. Dream bigger. Act bigger. Take more action.
8. Eliminate bad habits from your life. Your life is made up of all the little moments and decisions. Stop throwing those moments away on worthless habits! Turn every moment into an investment. Replace all your bad and average habits with good ones! Use Habitshare so you can take total control of your habits and therefore your life. You are a result of what you do daily. You are a result of your habits. You cant escape this fact.
Take action now: Review the points above and resolve to put at least one of them into practice each week. Use the Habitshare app or similar to ensure they accumulate and become daily habits!
Cheers to your great health!
Kind regards,
Bernard and the team at Premier Group NZ!