Perfectly Paired Partners
?...Kathleen Kasper-Kat Armstrong
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I met Oscar Garcia when he came to speak at the Nova Job Center ProMatch General Meeting, which is held each Thursday @ 9:30am in the Sunnyvale Council Chambers.
Oscar is a warm and engaging speaker, and just One of the many people I have had an opportunity to partner with since joining the ProMatch Group in Sunnyvale, California. In addition to providing tips on how on how to engage with others on social media through forums like LinkedIn, Oscar shared his heart with us, telling stories about those things in life that knocked him down and HOW he got back up time and time again.
My natural response after hearing Oscar speak, was to want to know more about him. Keep in mind, it took him less than an hour to convince me that he was SumOne worth partnering with. Isn’t that the results most of us would like to have?
More Importantly, WHO comes to your mind when I say the word “Partner?" And do you believe that the people you partner (with) have the ability to help you get to the next level?
One famous duo that came to my mind recently is Batman and Robin. Batman could have gone off on his own, right? Instead he chose to partner with Robin. But WHY?
Well, if I don't have the clairvoyance to know What Martin Luther King Jr Would Say, I probably shouldn’t attempt to say why Batman chose Robin. But when it comes to choosing SumOne to partner with, here’s what I believe:
Case in point: I worked in sales going back to the age of about eight years of age. Yes, all of my work was “pro bono” at the time, but I was working it!
I remember the day I decided my friends and I should open our own business. I didn’t realize we were a "startup" at the time, but I did believe I had a great idea. I also believed that my "partners" were just the people to DO WHAT MATTERS (With,) So I gathered these friends together and asked them to show me the “fine art” they had been working on when we were playing together, so I could appraise it.
Go figure, I'm still gathering Awe-Sum artists like Michele Nur, and doing what I can to to get the word out to the world about how talented my favorite partners are!
Yep, back in my "heyday" I even did appraisal work! Gosh I forgot to list that on my LinkedIn profile. What do you think? Should I add that to my list of qualifications? Well that WAS years ago, so maybe I shouldn't list THAT skill, until I’ve “updated” my skills through the Lynda on LinkedIn's course: Basic appraisal concepts first.
But, back to the story about my childhood partners: After reviewing the many specimens of design, I sent my fine artistic partners out into the fields to sell it ALL! I can’t remember what we did with all those wonderful copper coins we earned, but the profits weren’t what mattered to us at that time. Do you know what mattered to us?
The smiles we received when neighbors opened their doors and listened to our “pitch” mattered. and being respected for “our work” mattered.
I don't know what's on your MUST HAVE list in a partner, but here is a list of the Five Key Traits of Great Partners (according to Kasper Kat Armstrong):
- Wisdom and Clarity When you are around Wisdom and Clarity, you suddenly have these “Ah-ha” moments. Your partner may not know what will work for you in a given situation, but he/she is willing to make suggestions. Wisdom says things like“Did you think of this?” And, when you're plugging along and don’t see a roadblock, Clarity is willing to step up and say” I don’t know if you noticed this, but I thought I’d mention what I noticed, just in case it’s helpful.”
- Gracious Encouragement (aka:Grace) Just as Wisdom and Clarity provide insights that will help get you to your destiny, Gracious Encouragement is a partner who makes a journey more bearable . Gracious Encouragement (aka; Grace) respects your “No” and always cares about your welfare. Grace knows that everyOne is different and values diversity. Grace not only understands that people might need to do things differently, but if you end up in a ditch, Grace is there in the ditch saying, “Hummmm, what shall we do to get out of here? This place stinks! Sumhow, Grace never seems to forget that I Matter, YOU Matter, THEY Matter and WE Matter. Don't you love Grace? I know"I do."
- Permanence: Permanence is the partner that is ALWAYS WITH YOU. Permanence has a heart knowledge that says "real friends" don't need to prove they care for you for it to be true. Permanence sees your value even when you don't see eye to eye. Permanence chooses care because permanence wants to be a caring person. I think everyOne needs a little Permanence in their life.
- Open-mindedness. Just like Gracious Encouragement understands the benefits of diversity, Open-Mindedness expands ideas and assists people to find new ways and methods that were never explored before. Open-mindedness sees what others failed to see and is the visionary partner that strengthens Wisdom and Clarity.
- Believer: Believer is One of the most important traits of a great partner. Believer is an Awe-Sum cheerleader who has the ability to see through layers of inadequacy to the gem that’s inside. When YOU say to believer “I don’t know (fill in the blank)” Believer is the One who says, “Well maybe you don’t know THAT, but you do know THIS!”
Keep in mind, perfectly paired partners may not always take on a physical appearance. There may be times when One might partner with data, art or science.
WHO knows what your partner will look like in a given moment, but if you keep Open-Mindedness with you, you are sure to SEE which partner you need.
Bonus: While I provided the list of Five Key Traits of Great Partners, There Are Two Added Traits Of Awe-Sum Partners:
- Inspiration: If you wonder how I came up with the ideas I had for this article, I have One word to explain where it all came from: inspiration. Just like partners can come in various forms, so can inspiration. You never know WHERE inspiration will come from or WHEN it will come, but when it shows up, it brings another Awe-Sum partner with it...
- Joy: Joy shows up when inspiration soaks in, and Joy has this Way that brightens EveryOne's day. Even if you aren't ready for Joy to come visit, she is patiently waiting for you for to invite her to return.
With these traits in mind, can you think of a few people you'd put on your Top Ten Partner List?
Julita Sofijski is on my list. Why Julita? Julita not only has the Five Traits Of A Great Partner, but she also has the Two Added Traits of Awe-Sum Partners.
Julita is on her own journey to learn how to skillfully blend art with data so she can become a"Data Artisan, " and while our paths only cross occasionally, each time it does, it brightens my day. See, as I got to know Julita, I shared a little story with her and by working together, the story got even better!
Here is the story about Awe-Sum One and Awe-Sum Too:
A young man I know used to ask me often what the (A) in Kathleen A. Armstrong stood for. I would tell him 'Awe-Sum of course!'
'Nah!' he would say. At which I'd insist, 'Yes, that's what my mother called me!"
Well, as luck would have it, Julita's middle name starts with an "A" as well, so she asked if she could "steal" the idea. "Absolutely!" I said with excitement.
When Julita pens her messages to me they often start with"Hi, Awe-Sum One" At which I get to joyfully reply to "Awe-Sum Too."
Her playful spirit is just what I need to propel me onward. Doesn't that sound like a perfect partner to you?
Do you SEE how you can be a perfectly paired partner Too, ore then again, maybe you're number One!
In addition to inspiring me by adding joy to my life, Julita is a partner with permanence. Julita does not need to be there for her to be (with) me. All I have to do is think of her, and instantly Awe-Sum Too is WITH me. Do you know what I mean? And do you have that in your life? I sure hope you do! I Am glad "I do."
If you happen to be in the Silicon Valley and would like to partner with a few of the wonderful people I have met:
Oscar will be offering his LinkedIn Workshop, "Building Relationships First, Business Second" for FREE at the Cupertino Library on: Wednesday, Feb 22 from 7-8:30 pm By Clicking on the link, above, you can read more about this wonderful workshop.
And by clicking on the link to ProMatch , you find out how YOU can network with other professionals in the San Francisco Bay area and attend the ProMatch General Meetings where speakers like Oscar provide career tips to Nova Job Center Members.
? Content Writing ?? Sales ??Training ? Community Support & Office Assistance ? Recruiting & Team Building
7 年Likewise miss Mary received a double awesome name...mother of Jesus to boot. It amazes me all the people I've met in such a short time here too. apeople from all over the world. pretty cool forum, if u ask me.
Goal Digger ? Fantastic Facilitator ?? Energy Enthusiast ?? Project Manager ?Agile Activist ?? Community Spark ?? Gamification Guru
8 年?...Kathleen (Kasper Kat) Armstrong, Really great question! When I think of partner, my sisters come to mind. We are three peas in a pod! While we are all really different, we do help each other! Since we know each other best, we can push each other in ways other people might be too polite to do. Kartic Vaidyanathan, Hamidreza Azari, and Beverly Sasagawa Palar, any thoughts?
chicken whisperer?voice-in-the-wilderness?the thinking man's circular knitting machine mechanic
8 年Life is full of yin and yang. My wife and I are completely different people. Maybe half the time we will agree about things. We've been married 26 years now, we are not perfect, but I think we provide good balance to each other. I think that often people are looking for a reflection of themselves in a partner, but I truly believe that a partner should be someone who you attracts you because they are different than you. That person who you really like, but drives you crazy. And I mean this for business as well as personal. We all need partners who push us out of our own comfort zones and make us see out of the little cocoons we have wrapped around our selves. Thanks for pointing this out to me, ?...Kathleen. I never even had much time to go through my newsfeed yesterday. Have a good week. I got to get going. I've got 60cm of snow that needs to be cleared out of the driveway before I can get to work! This morning my snow-blower is my partner.