Motivation and Safety Management
Natverlal T Jadav
Senior EHS Project Management Consultant, Professional Master Trainer, Scaffolding & Safety Management Solutions provider, Career development Facilitator, Guide & Mentor, Motivational Speaker
?????????????????????Motivation and Safety Management
?It is the heart and mind drive a human to achieve goal who is full of confidence, courage, and motivation. The ideas and motivating thoughts play an important role in this regard. The inspiring thoughts appeal human mind for motivation. This is one of the important factors to design and conduct safety motivation programmes.
?It is very much essential to bring to notice of worker’s mind that accident cause harm to them and any accident prevention action is in their interest only. It is required to motivate workers to work safely and without accident.?To reduce accidents some thoughts may be developed based on experience and need of time and situation.
?Need of Motivation:
?Motivation includes education, participation and training, inspiration, aspiration, communication. These factors are most essential to achieve a desired goal. All human activities have a driving force which are to be refined, rectified, channelled, shaped, or directed as per human need. Motivation helps to minimise the human errors, unsafe acts, or omissions, and it promotes safety. The motivation for safety is an important factor as other efforts does not help much. The motivation is necessary to mould the people to achieve their goals speedily but safely.
?Todays present problem is not of lack of knowledge of safety, but real problem is of implementation of knowledge at workplace. This can be the lack of self-motivation, lack of communication and motivation. Human opinion, reaction or views are equally important implementation of the safety. Direct communication and motivation are key to implement the safety laws.
?Numbers of accidents, incidents, loss time, loss of property and production and productivity can be reduced by motivation of employers, employees trade unions.
?Following factors are to be improved for motivation and safe attitude building:
?1.????Lack of effective job training.
2.????Incompetent, untrained supervisors.
3.????Lack of clarity in company policies and procedures including safety policies.
4.????Departments at odds with one another.
5.????Display of favouritism.
6.????Inattention to grievances.
7.????Poor working conditions.
8.????Political promotions or favour.
?Motivation for Safe Attitude:
?1.????Self-preservation (free of personal injury).
2.????Personal and material gain (reward).
3.????Loyalty (desire to co-operate).
4.????Responsibility (recognition of obligation).
5.????Pride (self satisfaction and desire for praise).
6.????Conformation (fear of being thought different from others).
7.????Rivalry(desire to compete).
8.????Leadership (desire to be outstanding).
?Role of Safety Management in Motivation:
?Safety Management, Supervisors and Safety Department are most important for motivation.
1.????The induction training for new workers to include safety instruction, hazards, and control measures in industry to build confidence.
2.????The induction training to include safety tools and equipment to be used, safety work permit system, hazards of raw materials and processes, safe operating procedures, interpretation of MSDS, labels, rules of transportation, loading and unloading, signs & signals and role of the workers in firefighting and operation of on-site Emergency Plan.
3.????The induction training to include Safety & Health policy, Environment policy and Quality policy, It should be explained with their objectives and benefits the interest of organization be explained to bring belongingness and togetherness.
4.????The procedure and policy to encourage workers to participate in safety committee, safety suggestions and all safety programmes.
5.????All accidents case studies are to be discussed and explained at all levels by analysing the different roles in preventing such accidents.
?6.????Organisation to build team spirit and competitiveness which will induct group motivation.
7.????Supervisors to praise the workers, take sufficient work place rounds to watch all workers to guide them if any unsafe practice is noticed.
8.????As per Factory act and rules for workers proper attention to be paid for basic needs of Health, Safety and Welfare facilities.
9.????Any kind of exploitation to be avoided like paying less wages less than even minimum prescribed by law, not paying according to his qualification and experience or even as per their reasonable living standard, not paying overtime wages for extra work, instructing regularly to work 12 hours instead of 8 hours in a shift, depriving of holidays, treating unequally among equals, partiality in giving benefits, not implementing any legal order in favour of workers and indirect harassment to leave job etc.
10.?Top management to take timely decision as per recommendation of supervisors to give increment, promotion, and other monetary benefits to the workers.
11.?It is good practice to have job rotation or job enrichment as a technique of motivation. It ensures proper job distribution, job simplification and job satisfaction.
12.?To improve productivity and profit management to give opportunity of advancement for R&D work, new product development, new safety devices.
13.?Management to consider delegation of more powers to the deserving workers.
14.?Top and middle management to give flexibility, love, affection, sympathy and required respect to workers as bureaucratic or dictatorial behaviour retards motivation.
15.?Workers annual performance appraisal report should not be written with any bias or by misusing the power as this will certainly de-motivate the worker. Management to provide guidance how to improve performance and It should be transparent with opportunity for justification for not meeting any target.?