Have you ever wondered, how to motivate someone for something?

When it comes to motivation, there are only two questions worth asking:

  • If not money, then what?
  • How can I do it?

Well, motivation is all about addressing the?#needs?of a person, that are aligned with his?#goals. This means that if we really want to motivate a person, we need to understand that person's underlying needs.

And yes, before you jump to conclusions - money, or more specifically - resources - is one of the core needs of human nature.

Once we know the actual needs of the person, then all we have to do is offer him or her something that serves those needs, and voila - motivation will be achieved. Sounds simple...? Not so much...

How can we find out what are the underlying needs behind the goals of a person?!

The proper way is through psychological profiling, but since we are all in so much hurry, I'll give you a faster "life hack" (even though it is far less reliable).

All you have to do is ask the question "Why?" somewhere between 4 and 7 times...

Here's how it works more specifically:

Ask that person what he or she wants. Then use that answer and ask again and again, multiple times (4-7) why the person wants this thing. Usually, after a few combinations of asking and answering, you will get to the underlying need. It is that point of the conversation when there could not be found a lower level of any possible underlying reason why...

Here's an example:

(For example - You want to motivate your son to start going to Spanish lessons)

Mom: "Ok, what do you want, in order to start going to Spanish lessons?"

Son: "I want us to go on a vacation in Shri-Lanka this summer"

Mom: "Ok, why?"

Son: "What do you mean why, it's great there..."

Mom: "Ok, but why?"

Son: "Well, you know how much I like it when we go to different and exotic places... I heard it is epic there!"

(This is the moment when you can realize (by the language and specific words he uses "different and exotic"), that adventure and variety is the need he desires to satisfy. Now all you have to do is offer him something acceptable to you, that will satisfy that need. For example - tickets for bungee jumping - as a smaller trade-off.)

After that, we get to the second question - How can I do it?

And to be truly helpful, here is the list of ALL POSSIBLE underlying needs (that equals their underlying reasons "why", which basically means - their actual goals), combined with what could we do to really motivate the person, extrinsically:

? Regarding their need for #Authenticity – Showcase to them why they are the best person for the job and why this thing you want from them is aligned with their strengths.

? Regarding their need to #Feel – Try to touch their emotions while interacting with them. Be more expressive and showcase your emotions in the conversation. Explain why the thing is important for you, and potentially for them;

? Regarding their need for?#Rationality?– Rationalize the thing as logically as possible, showcasing the benefits, and weighting pro-s and coins.

? Regarding their need for #Freedom – Give them a chance to do things their way, and be themselves doing so. Do not impose on them your ways. Give them all the opportunities and choices and trust that they will manage just fine;

? Regarding their need for #Security – Showcase the risks of not doing this thing. Emphasize that you are both in this together and risks are for both of you.

? Regarding their need for good #Health – Remove and/or mitigate anything potentially unpleasant and toxic in front of them, and team them up (if needed) only with people they accept and have nothing against.

? Regarding their need for #Predictability – Share your vision about how the thing will improve your and their lives. Explain what challenges you foresee, and ask them if they need anything to deal with those.

? Regarding their need for #Stimulation, #Adventure & #Variety – Present the thing as something interesting, curious, and thrilling. As a challenge, and emphasize the thrills of the process.

? Regarding their need to #Understand – Just provide all the objective information you have. Explain and articulate things in the most truthful way possible, and in their language. Let them think for themselves, don’t convince them;

? Regarding their need for #Pleasure – Offer them to make the work process as pleasurable as possible (Adapt the situation/circumstances for the senses - smell, touch, hearing, taste, visuals, and internal sensations). If possible, engage them in joyful activities;

? Regarding their need for #Achievement & #Success – Present the thing as a challenge worth "fighting" for. As a potential meaningful achievement.

? Regarding their need for #Resources – Give them a financial incentive (additional)

? Regarding their need for #Intimacy – Offer to work closely together - shoulder by shoulder. Share your thoughts and fears about the process and results. Share stories about previous experiences.

? Regarding their need for #Status & #Recognition – Showcase the recognition, attention, and popularity they will get from the thing.

? Regarding their need for #Energy – Offer to take off as much of their load as possible, by either helping yourself or attaching another person to the task.

? Regarding their need to #Deal with the #Physical #world – Showcase to them what tools you use and know of, for similar cases, situations & challenges;

? Regarding their need for normal #Interpersonal #Relations – Don't order - talk friendly and offer an agreeable year for their opinions and objections, but at the same time be assertive enough so that they don't decline at the end.

? Regarding their need to #Socialize – Showcase to them how others are doing it and create a sense of belonging (to a group of valued types of people). Offer to include them in a group (if possible).

? Regarding their need to be #Accepted – Give them objective, non-shaming, or blaming feedback for how usually things are done (how you and others do those)

? Regarding their need to Take #care of #themselves #despite #others – Always be fair to them. Accept that they do whatever they do because of them, not because they want to do harm. Give them objective, non-shaming, or blaming feedback for how you feel about their behaviors, and how those hurt you and the process


