Is motivation necessary?

Is motivation necessary?

“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” —Zig Ziglar

Motivation is the cause of a behavior's initiation, continuation, or termination in humans and other animals at a certain moment. Motivational states are frequently interpreted as internal factors that produce a tendency to participate in a goal-directed activity in the agent. Different mental states are said to compete with one another, and only the strongest state can decide behavior. This implies that we can be inspired to act even when we don't.

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." -Napoleon Hill

The mechanism that starts, directs, and sustains goal-oriented activities is known as motivation. For example, it drives you to earn that promotion at work or helps you lose additional weight. Simply said, motivation pushes you to do actions that move you toward your goals.

People are propelled through difficult situations, achieve great performance, and keep their commitments in focus thanks to four distinct forms of motivation. These motivational styles can be classified as extrinsic (external source, action), identified (external source, non-activity), intrinsic (internal source, action), and introjected (intrinsic source, action) (internal source, non-action). Understanding these many motivational strategies is crucial for both the person and organizations aiming for improved performance or goal attainment.[1]


Extrinsic (external source, action)

Example- bonuses, gifts, awards, etc.

Identified (external source, non-action)

Example- Feeling or desiring accomplishment of a task like rebuilding a car or finishing a project at work.


Intrinsic (internal source, action)

Example- pride in a task's completion.

Introjected (internal source, non-action)

For example- seeking positive reinforcement such as wanting to appease parents or avoiding negative reinforcement such as displeasing parents.

"Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art." -Andy Warhol

Work Motivation is the instigation of work-related activity as well as the forces that affect its form, direction, intensity, and length that come from both within and without the individual. A person's inherent inclination to care about and pursue favorable rewards while avoiding bad ones is known as motivation.

When we are extremely driven at work, we work harder to perform at our best. We can sometimes get our motivation from things outside of ourselves, such as how much money we make, the perks of our jobs, or whether or not we get praise from our boss.

Sometimes it's internal elements that drive us, like how much we like what we're doing or how significant we see our work as being for the firm.

“Don't settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had.” —Angela Bassett

To live fully involved, diverse lives that are filled with many stories to tell is one of our fundamental drives. Dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter that leads to sensations of happiness and euphoria, is released in response to exciting experiences. We are more drawn to an experience the more we identify it with pleasure.

Red Bull caters to this feeling by supporting extreme sports like air racing, cliff diving, and skateboarding. The brand establishes a link between the energy boost you get from the drink and the adrenaline rush you feel from participating in these activities by sponsoring them.

“Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.” —Isabel Allende

An organization benefits from having motivated workers since their success closely correlates with that of the company. Employee motivation is so elusive, challenging to gauge, and highly challenging to manage, but if managed properly, it is relatively simple to enable. It all comes down to focus, fervor, and persistence.

Think about a worker that lacks much enthusiasm for their job. They're presumably working more slowly, putting off chores, and using their phones excessively. However, they lack energy and are largely distracted by their tasks. This isn't only a waste of your resources; it might also affect other employees, which could prevent the entire organization from creating work of the greatest caliber or accomplishing crucial goals.

Increasing motivation at work has several advantages.

higher performance

Increased job satisfaction

Enhanced creativity

Enhanced innovation

Enhanced staff engagement

improved staff wellbeing

To better inspire employees, begin to redefine the company's goals from the perspective of the consumer. Understand the connection between the principles you uphold for your clients and the benefits your business experiences as a result. Employees who have a genuine feeling of empathy for their customers and who internalize customer performance indicators develop a sense of purpose that will motivate both individual and group actions.

"I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done." -Lucille Ball

[1] Vincent Triola. Sat, Jan 02, 2021. The Four Forms of Motivation: Extrinsic, Identified, Intrinsic, & Introjected Retrieved from


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