Motivation Monday Koffee with Kevin - The Oscars - Adam Sandler and the Decline of the American Male
Kevin L McCrudden -Author-Speaker-Exec. Coach Thought Leader-Corporate and College Lecturer
Int'l Author, Speaker, Executive, Business & Personal Coach, University Guest Lecturer, Award-Winning Documentarian and Ordained ULC Minister - "Mr. Motivation & America's Chief Motivation Officer"
Each year I watch the Oscar's, out of morbid curiosity, more than anything else, but also to "keep up with the times." To see what "people" think is popular and the demise of our society.
Unfortunately, last night didn't disappoint. "Best Movie" and "Best Actress" were from "Anora," a movie about "sex workers?" I didn't realize that had become a "job" that you could put on your resume? Isn't it illegal still?
Anyway. After that disappointment, there was evidently a "dust up" between Host Conan O'Brien and Adam Sandler. I beleive they are "friends," and this was probably an intentional "skit" to bring "drama" to the Oscars. If nothing else, people might talk about it.
How Sandler could think wearing Gym Shorts and a Baby Blue Hoodie to The Oscars could even be remotely acceptable is more reason to belive that this was just to create drama.
HOWEVER, there is another issue at hand here.
There is an audience of young men that somehow think this is acceptable? As we look around society, it has become clear that the "American Male" is in decline. Leading me to believe that I may have found the topic for my 9th book. (We''ll see.)
Over the past decade or so, the decline of the American Male has become quite obvious. the slovenly, overweight, tattooed, hoodie wearing young men that seem to have little to no ambition and literally go in public without showering, combing their hair and still wearing their pajamas!
What in the world is going on?
From my perspective, as someone that has dedicated my career to "motivating, inspiring and uplifting" people to become your very best self. It seems that young women are getting that message loud and clear and are motivated to kick butt! It seems that their young male counterparts "didn't get the memo!" For the past 20 years, there have been more young women graduating from High School, Graduating from College, Graduating with Masters Degrees and more with Doctorates than young men. If you watch Social Media or TV, you see that more and more women are being portrayed as "the boss," while more and more young men are portayed as lazy, stupid, slovenly unmotivated pigs that need their "Mommy" or a woman to tell them what to do.
If you look at the societal landscape and the examples for young men to make the excuse of not, "Dressing for Success," but rather the lazy, unshaven, just got out of bed look, you don't have to look too far.
Not just Adam Sandler last night at the Oscar's, even if it was intentional. It sets a poor example for young men that listen to his ridiculous excuse that he was "comfortable" and that he's a "good person?" If you're a "good person," you get to wear whatever you want in public? And can look like a pig or like you just woke up? He did appropriately say that he was dressed for a 5 v 5 basketball game. Yes. That was how he was dressed and he knew it, and stated as much. So, why would you intentionally wear something like that to The Oscars, when so many other people are in "Black Tie" and Ball Gowns?
Again, if you look at society, from the 70's and 80's and what a "well dressed man" looked like to today. It is a shocking decline.
From the dapper Mad Men of the 70's or the Wall Street businees tycoon look, to the Mark Zuckerburg hoodie or Pennsylvania Senator Fedderman with Hoodie and shorts in our Capitol, or Elon Musk in a T-Shirt and Baseball hat in the Oval Office. This level of "disrespect" has been growing and young men are following the lead of laziness and slovenly public appearance.
How much worse can it get?