Motivation Monday Koffee with Kevin - The Day After Mother's Day - Miracles
Kevin L McCrudden -Author-Speaker-Exec. Coach Global Thought Leader-Corporate - College Lecturer
Int'l Author, Speaker, Executive, Business & Personal Coach, University Guest Lecturer, Award-Winning Documentarian and Ordained ULC Minister - "Mr. Motivation & America's Chief Motivation Officer"
#MotivationMonday #MondayMotivation #Motivation #Inspiration #Faith #Religion #Belief #Spirituality #Consciousness #Science #TheLightofMan #KevinLMcCrudden
Motivation Monday Koffee with Kevin - The Day After Mother’s Day - Miracles
Each year we celebrate “Mother’s Day” on the second Sunday in May. (some different dates around the world.? Why?? I don’t know.) Is it a made up “Hallmark Holiday” to sell cards? Evidently not! ?According to online research, a woman by the name of Anna Jarvis initiated the tradition honoring her own mother in 1908. ?And President Woodrow Wilson made it an official U.S. Holiday in 1914.
“Motherhood.” The moment a woman’s life changes from being a woman to a mother. Is it a “miracle?”? It happens so often to so many women and female species in the animal kingdom, that maybe we forget what a miracle it is and take it for granted! Quick research indicates between 80 to 85% of women have children and unfortunately, 10 to 20% of women have had a “miscarriage” or “loss of pregnancy.” A true tragedy and heartbreak. And many women cannot get pregnant.
For every woman that reads this…The importance of this date is reflected by the impact that moment creates in each mother’s mind. The experience and circumstances of giving birth are seared in most Mom’s minds forever. I heard yesterday from a couple of moms and we certainly hear on our birthdays, how many hours of labor and exactly how much we weighed and how big we were. (or how tiny for some.) Mom’s share the details like it was “yesterday.” They know the experience etched in their memory.
However, the “moment of magic.” The "miracle" happens several months earlier. Conception.
It has been proven that there is a “spark of light” at the moment of conception. (it has been found in humans, animals and plants.) Science and scientists state, suggest that the “light” is referred to as “Zinc Sparks.” A chemical reaction / release at the moment of “conception.”
I beg to differ.
In my globally award-winning documentary, “The Light of Man,” I state that “light” at the moment of “creation / conception” is “God.” (God, Creator, Higher Power, whatever name you might use)
Think of that “light.”
For those that are born and live, that “light” stays with you until death. Whether it be 1 year or 101 years.? When the “light goes out in someone’s eyes,” they expire and that “light” is extinguished. That is a scientific fact.
In “The Light of Man,” we use science, quantum physics, string theory, universal consciousness and NDE (Near Death Experiences) to clearly conclude that there is a realistic possibility that this “light” at the moment of “creation” that stays with us our entire lives, until we die, is not just some chemical reaction, but is actually the “miracle” of “the light of God.”
We can make this conclusion, in part, because of interviews with the world leader in Near Death Experiences, Dr. Raymond Moody, who has literally interviewed thousands of people that have had NDE’s (Near Death Experiences.) Don’t take his word for it nor mine.? Take the word of thousands of people that have quite literally “died and came back to life.”? People that have crossed over the threshold of death and have had the opportunity to come back and share with us their experiences. And what do they speak of most? That’s right, being drawn to a “bright white light.” And in many instances refer to that “light” as “God,” Creator and the overwhelming emotion of “Love.”
For instance, as we marvel at the expanse of the “Arora Borealis” across most of the Northern Hemisphere, we know that it relates to “bursts of energy from the sun” that travel some 92 million miles through space that impact the Earth.? Why can’t we see the actual “energy” traveling through space? Through the blackness and “dark matter” of space? All we can see is the impact of what the “energy creates here on Earth.”
The successful launching of the “James Webb Space Telescope” has brought us images of outer space that we never dreamed of.? The scientific information that is being received contradicts some of the longest held “theories” about the “creation” of our universe,” but science still declares that they were correct with the concept of “the big bang theory.” Somewhere along the way scientists and teachers decided to drop the “theory” piece and state it as “fact.” This happens all the time in science.? Scientists state “facts,” until they are proven incorrect, and then they seem very hesitant to say, “hey, we were wrong!”
World Renowned Physicist, Dr. John Hagelin said, “Kevin McCrudden’s, “The Light of Man” breaks new ground.?? It uses cutting-edge physics to unravel profound spiritual enigmas and simultaneously addresses some of the most pressing challenges of our time. He skillfully weaves scientific and spiritual truths together to form a unified, paradigm-changing view of reality.”
Dr. Hagelin is also President of Maharishi International University in Iowa, which is also the Center for Transcendental Meditation, Universal Consciousness and they are now doing research into the “soul” based on this globally award-winning and transformational documentary, “The Light of Man.”
“A Paradigm-changing view of reality,” stated by one of the leading scientists on the planet. Not bad.
“Creation.” Is not something that happened several million years ago, but rather, “the miracle of creation” happens every single minute of every single day.? Just because we don’t celebrate it or recognize it doesn’t mean it’s not true.? Over 100 Million children are born every year. Over 300,000 every day. And that does not include animals nor plant species that we need in order to keep us alive on this planet.
“Miracles.” As we are starting to see from scientific research around the universe. This “miracle” called Earth seems to be something we are taking for granted. The precious balance of water, land, trees, plants, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon on this “beautiful little blue marble,” we call home.? And that does not include the continued research into “spirituality,” and “universal consciousness” and “the soul,” which Aristotle wrote about in 350 B.C.! And probably why Einstein was quoted as saying, “the more I study science, the more I believe in God.”
I invite you to find out for yourself. Find out why “The Light of Man” has won 8 Film Festivals around the world and why the New York Film Awards called it, “A Love Letter to the World.”
Watch “The Light of Man” today: