Motivation Monday #5 I Have A Dream Today
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around Dr. King's birthday, January 15. January 20th 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the day of service that celebrates the Civil Rights leader’s life and legacy. This day is a day off from school and work for many individuals, but viewed as a day on for giving service towards the betterment of your community.
As we are still progressing towards a nation where an individual is judged by the content of their character it's vital we provide a positive contribution towards leaving this world a better place we found it. Dr. King lived his life knowing that he would not live to see the manifestation of the vision he was given, but worked daily to improve the lives of all those who he knew were facing injustice
Today, Dr. King’s life and mission remain one of the most vivid memories of his era to those who lived through it, and also to those with awareness of the civil rights movement. As we are still fresh into this new year of 2020 may we be renewed with a greater sense of purpose to be a blessing to someone else. May we not let individuals who live their lives full of hate change us from who we are and how we treat others. Let us take this day on as an opportunity to be catalyst for change in our families and communities to bring everyone closer together while working towards a life where we all can be successful and free at last!!!