“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”
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We do not always feel motivated. In fact, some days we may go out
of our way to avoid the task at hand. This is when our discipline must
kick in. We are not always motivated so we must be disciplined. As
usual it comes down to just getting started. Once we get started, we
find our flow. On those rare occasions we just do not even find our
flow, when we complete the task at hand, when we are done, we feel
better about ourselves than how we would feel if we skipped out on
the workout, work, or whatever job needed to be done. We are going
to have to get it done at some point, so why not just get it done? The
satisfaction of a job well done, or even just getting it done is way better
than the feeling of guilt or regret of not doing it. Lack of motivation can
be just another form of resistance we need to overcome. So, step up
to the start line and just get going.
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: