Motivation by Influencing ,How It works ?
Srinivas Reddy
Expert in Data Science and Machine learning with 4+ years of experience.
We are rational beings for sure ?#!! , By all means, there is no saying we are rational, we just like to pat our back and say we are doing the right thing. There is no saving us from this bias, this is a trick our brain plays on us to make us feel good by giving an adrenaline surge. "Motivation" in a marketing context is so obnoxiously hyped it makes me feel creepy and thuggified at the same time.
All of us Management and Marketing professionals have long forgotten the basic roots of marketing and management i.e psychology, with the advent of course curriculum development into data science, accounts & finance and other rigid laws frameworks turned the mother into her own forgotten child. It is largely a subject called Consumer behaviour or Industrial psychology now. So invigorating we all written our doom incessantly.
If you are tingled why this prologue before getting on to the point, please hold on your horses because that is the point after all.Patience brother patience and"impatience" is the whole point.We are so much into satisfying our short-term thinking, literally forgotten that any business is typically a long living immortal entity until it is done and long-term thinking is not be seen or felt easily so our mind tricks us to believe in short-term goals as the reality.
" Motivation " is defined by Webster as ......
The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behaviour.
Usage "we did not understand his motivation".
By the very essence, motivation is a psychological term which is the reason of all the prologue and explanation to bring forth the argument managing is all about psychology but not into giving too much importance to data science, Laws, etc......
" Influence " is another psychological term too which is defined by Webster in this context as ...
Induce into action by using one's charm.
usage "She influenced him into giving her all his money".
If influence works as the cause and being motivated works as an effect of the cause. While explaining all of these our brain has a functionality called priority recognition, it gives subtle directions for the event and prioritizes the event to be a remembered on whatever level it will choose. By saying above lines we are not going to live in a dreamy wonderland of future possibilities, we as human beings strive to satisfy our priority needs in any case. So long term/medium/short term are key priorities with other in between levels too playing in the register.
Now I introduce a third term called "Impact". While Influence and motivation work as a pair of cause and effect. Impact develops a scale of importance to the influence and its subsequent level of importance is noted as the amount of "motivation".
If you see the above cartoon, what idea comes to your mind first? If it rings somewhat similar to "rare, dangerous,rock bottom,finally,high priority " etc etc ...then you realize it is an important event to remember in general and that pushes your mind to register it as "any time critical event " thus it played its cards as a key influencer and made you realize the motivation as a response to critical situation .
But the biggest drawback of this approach to motivation generation is "wisdom". Wisdom defined as the "Ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight".
So if you are wondering why wisdom act as a drawback to motivation read the below lines carefully with maximum importance.Wisdom is the thing that tells you or reminds you that you are being influenced, be aware of the methods and they are not for real but a part of external agents. Also, it brings back the knowledge that this event is so common we start lowering the priority of confluence to base level. This is the main reason that makes you feel a routine work is regular monotonous, boring and not that exiting. So that craziness caught up and you tend to find things which never did before as a getaway plan . After a certain point of time this getaway loses its significance just how the microeconomic "principle of saturation point". The routine starts coming back as a getaway, or you start romanticizing your previous routine.
"INFLUENCE" acts on "MOTIVATION" ,/IMPACT/ renders the level Of /MOTIVATION/.
"WISDOM" rewires and kills the level of "INFLUENCE"
This endless cycles of WISDOM, INFLUENCE, IMPACT, MOTIVATION all work together and kick in at the same time by ultimately setting priorities, this is the reason why storytelling fails most of the times to motivate others, though a million dollars empire is surrounding around it. Because wisdom tells you that this is not so rare a thing, it is fictional in nature, also tells you that it has its own limitations, most important of all is the environmental settings that underline the hidden motives "this particular event is to influence us " it is my prerogative to be influenced or not and the purpose has been defeated by self-attitude ".
Is there a way around this situation to get by? Yes, you need to make it part of reality, give them a short-term project such as finding your own way in a jungle as a decider of your motivational outcome. Yes, that's a challenge to remember but a regular challenge of the same kind of recurring experience is useless. This is also a reason for the employees to switch jobs and try different companies.
I will end the Disccussion here .... Modifications may be possible .....