Motivation and Adult Learning

Motivation and Adult Learning


It is easy to reflect on the research that highlights the importance of needs and their criticality to the survival of the human species. I assert the same can be applied in the education and training realm, and motivation is the primary driver for one's future success. This paper will discuss the psychological factors that motivation in the adult learner. This paper will also discuss the challenges of motivation in the training department and theory and how the institutions should respond to these challenges. ??

Psychological Factors and Motivation in Adult Learning

Psychological Factors

Jones (2013) identified that self-directed learners have three psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness to increase motivation levels. Washington State University (2020) highlighted affiliation, power, cognition, achievement, autonomy, competence, closure, and meaning as phycological factors that affect learner motivation in education. Souders (2022) captured that phycological needs such as autonomy, mastery, belonging, achievement, power, closure, meaning, and self-esteem direct our behaviors, significantly influencing levels of learner motivation.

Motivation in Adult Learning

Internal Factors

???????????Siagian & Sondra (2009) identified internal factors as those that drive one's perceptions, self-esteem, personal expectations, salary, interests, job satisfaction, etc., that affect the motivations of the adult learner. Adult learners engage in learning because they desire to learn something new, exciting, or interesting that hopefully connects to their interests and inspires them to better their current and future selves. A level of independence comes with being enrolled in an adult education program, I assert, comes from having responsibilities and taking charge of one's learning. Achieving what they desire is a significant motivator for adult learners because the level of control and autonomy typically associated with adult learning pursuits bring their accomplishments within reach. Internal factors allow adult learners to be recognized for their immediate contributions to bettering themselves while potentially bringing added value to the family unit, job, or organizations they may serve. ?

External Factors

Siagian & Sondra (2009) identified external factors as the type of work performed, types of groups affiliated, organizations one may be associated or the specific work environments as factors that affect the motivation of the adult learner. In career fields and locations, where the labor market is desperate for skilled and qualified workers especially in cities that are becoming more technology robust, the labor shortage is fast becoming an external motivator for the adult learner. Because companies are now providing tuition assistance, education stipends, and educational benefits to their employees, these assistance programs are considered external motivators for adult learners.

Challenges Faced with Motivation

Training Departments and Adult Learning Theory

Morrison (2009) identified problems with the appropriate identification of the needs of the adult learners in the organization, and those objectives typically set by the trainer rather than the learners serve to demotivate the adult learner.??When training is downward directed and not learner requested, the level of learner ownership and commitment to the learning process diminishes and serves to demotivate the learner. Time constraints for the in-depth preparations and participation needed for the learning opportunity to be successful become harder to maintain. The training becomes shorter, less focused on the critical needs, and the learners feel their time has been wasted. All these factors significantly affect the departments and the learning theory they purport to evoke or advocate.

Facing Challenges

Encouraging Motivation and Promoting Learning

There are many ways to face the challenges of low motivation in the educational environment, especially in the training departments or adult education spaces. However, I assert that the learners must first assess their motivation levels. Pettit (2021) states that for learners to get going, get unstuck, out of the rut, and get unfocused, they must not wait to be inspired to create forward movement. Self-motivation is critical for adult learners' success in training and education programs. Incentives, creating short-term challenges, visualizing one's success, take control of one's learning, growth, and development, are all options that the institutions should explore to encourage motivation while promoting learning.?


Motivation and varying motivation levels will be different for everyone, so a general understanding of the internal and external factors that influence motivations is essential. If charged with the motivation of others, you must seek ways to recognize the great work of the learner, set achievable goals or milestones for the adult learner, and celebrate the achievements. Why? Because that specific group of learners may value these direct displays of engagement from the educator, instructor, or trainer. The learners will look to the educator to be encouraging, motivating, and energized about the training as the learners will take their motivational cues from the instructor.


Pettit, M. (2021). 7 powerful ways to increase self-motivation. Retrieved from

Siagian, A. & Sondra, M. (2009). The theory of motivation and its application. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Souders, B. (2022). What is motivation. Retrieved from;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzYEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1649062170/RO=10/

Washington State University (2020). Module 8: Psychological needs and motivation. Retrieved from;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1649062170/RO=10/


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