Motivating the team from failure to the beginning of success.
1. First, alleviate the pressure on the team and completely step out of the work box.
2. Explain the company's main objectives, focus on them, and clarify the reasons behind these goals.
3. It should be made clear to the team that the company's goal is not to pressure employees to achieve its objectives but to convey that they are an integral and essential part of the company.
4. Hold a team meeting to open the door for discussion, clarify the problems they face, and provide practical and actionable solutions that should be worked on.
5. Create interactions among the team concerning a colleague's problem, open the door for discussion with him, and figure out how they can help him solve it and follow up on its resolution. In this case, it will generate new ideas and solutions that were not considered.
6. Rotating positions among individuals creates good and effective solutions. However, upon success, the efforts of the original person working on it should not be forgotten.
7. Allow team members to explain their current and future plans, identify weaknesses in them, and replace them with strengths.
Teach them organization and its goals and what benefits they will gain from it.
8. Time management is one of the most important fundamentals that should be focused on with the team, not just explained theoretically but demonstrated practically.
9. Present some practical cases of individuals who faced difficulties and did not give up.
10. The above points are of no importance without continuous follow-up with the team.