Be motivated, so that you can learn more from life!
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Motivation is of various types and these are all the aspects of life which really inspire you to do something better always. Extrinsic Motivation is the one which comes from outside us, these are the stimuli which help us to get motivated and we keep learning something new. For example you attend a live music concert of a well know artist and you get so much inspired that you immediately decide to join a music class or start learning to play a musical instrument, this type of motivation is extrinsic type.
There is an Intrinsic Motivation which comes from rewarding ourselves from within our own heart and we feel like doing something on our own. Like we feel happy inside about getting up early in the morning and stat doing exercises or yoga or you turn on the You Tube channel on your own and learn those Zumba dancing steps and keep doing it everyday as you feel so nice after learning the Zumba dance shown on the TV and it helps you to feel happy internally.
Introjected Motivation is the type of motivation from an internalised and pressurising voice. The source of motivation is not a natural one like Intrinsic motivation but it is based on a behaviour of guilt, or worry or even shame. Introjected regulation inspires an individual to enact a behaviour not because he willingly wants to follow, but because he has fear in his mind not to go out of a sense of obligation to some one. For example, you are not interested in learning an art form yourself but because some family member tells you to join some class or coaching of learning some art form only because of family pressure it is considered to be introjected motivation type.
Identified Motivation is another type of motivation, which refers to performing an activity because one identifies with the personal importance of the behaviour and accepts it as one's own. It is like your family has a tradition holding big religious functions like yagya or havan and your family is known to be regular in holding of such events at home, therefore the identified motivation is of this type that only because you are identified with the family culture and values for holding such function irrespective whether you like it or not is the identified type of motivation.
Motivation is essentially the 'sense of purpose' and desire to achieve in our daily life, career, and business goals. Just take an example, Motivation helps us to get up early and become productive by starting your daily work early. When we are inspired, excited, getting more than expected results from something we get motivated and then we keep doing it again and again because we feel self motivated to something better in life.
There is also a self determination theory of motivation, which proposes three universal psychological needs of human beings which are autonomy; competence; and relatedness, This self determination theory involves the person to enjoy autonomy or independence from other's opinions because the person has on his or her own decided to remain happy and keep doing the duties with great pleasure only because of self determination factor. Like meditation is an example of self determination type of motivation, when we decide for ourselves as our freedom of thoughts prepare us to do meditation regularly and enjoy the benefits for mental and psychological peace of mind.
Competence is also a self determination variant of motivation, that differentiates yourself with others, for example if you are very good in a subject at a school or college level it becomes your competence and you decide to make a career in the same subject which is a self determination theory based on your own competence for which you feel confident and comfortable in going deep into that subject because of your own abilities those are self determined.
Relatedness is the third type of self determination of motivation which helps us to relate to some person or subject in which you have natural purpose of life to live a spiritual life. You have the natural tendency to be a minimalist by choice and always feel related to being a spiritual person who does not enjoy the common pleasures of life but is self determined to do some spiritual things on his or her own, which means that he or she is relating himself or herself to being spiritual.
In all these types of motivation, finally it all depends upon how much self motivated we are as a person who wants to learn some new things in life whether through internal or external factors but you always feel the urge of learning some new things and feel comfortable being a student of the subject which is close to your heart, this motivation keeps you warm and interested to keep enriching your life and making the most of the learning process. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre
Founder & Director | Shadez of Joie
4 年Very true ???