Motivate Your Job Seeker into Work by Doing These Things

Motivate Your Job Seeker into Work by Doing These Things

When I was an employment consultant both in Australia and the UK, I met many types of job seekers. It did not matter which country it was, the excuses as to why someone didn’t want to work were usually similar. From those who were in a generational welfare cycle, to others who had low self-belief about their own abilities and self-worth. Then there were those with mental or physical disabilities who were uncertain how they would fit in, others who were battling various drug addictions, and a few who had a fear of letting go of depending on the government. And I have no doubt that you have shared a similar experience yourself if you work in employment services.

In the UK in particular, at times people were worse off financially if they got into minimum wage employment, as the wages back in 2012 were not that high. So, after doing a better-off calculation, some people were going to be short 30 to 50 pounds a month if they decided to take a job role. I often had to work on other intrinsic factors beyond the wages to motivate and inspire someone into work. But of course, I also had to show them a plan of how they could progress in a career and earn more through getting their foot in the door, building connections and gaining experience.

I can tell you that I’ve seen even the most unexpected person who was so attached to their government cheque have a change of heart and go into employment. What I did was coach people out of a poverty and dependence mindset into one of self-worth and ambition. This was by simply helping them create compelling futures and the belief that it is possible.

Humans by nature need two things to lead fulfilling lives. These are;

1. Mastery: The continuous development and acquisition of skills, along with constant improvement.

2. Purpose: Having a meaningful reason for our actions, such as working towards something worthwhile.

Without these elements, people may eventually face mental struggles. Life can become monotonous without the challenge of mastering new skills and making progress. Similarly, without work and the achievement of goals, life often lacks meaning.

In fact, some many reports and studies showed various people who became depressed soon after they retired. Hobbies and interests turned out not to be as rewarding as retirees had imagined. Among many other factors, not having a routine, challenging goals to work towards, and the lack of a ‘sense of achievement’ combined, affected the retiree’s mental well-being. But of course, it needs to be the right job suited to the individual’s skills, abilities, and interests. But most importantly, in a culture that aligns with their own values.

So, when communicating with a jobseeker who may lack the motivation for work, here are a few simple things that you can aim for:

  • Always be open that anyone can change. I have met people who at one point were in prison, drug addicts, or homeless who are now successful CEOs.
  • Find out their values and what is important. Communicate to them in the language of their values.
  • Help them set compelling goals. Who knows, even a simple goal such as to some day travel the world or meet a life partner could inspire them to want to work.
  • Help them visualise compelling futures.
  • Help them develop their self-belief and self-worth. Sometimes it’s as simple as you demonstrating that you believe in them.
  • Ask them questions in order to help them create unique insights. This will help them feel empowered.

In saying all of this, I am in no way suggesting that you act as a psychologist. But I personally know that a quick 30-minute focused coaching discussion helping someone develop self-belief and envision an exciting future can make all the difference.

Author's Bio

Rana Kordahi

Rana Kordahi specialises in sales and reverse marketing training, coaching and strategy. For the past 10 years, she has coached and trained countless employment practitioners and their leaders?to achieve remarkable success when it came to helping more people into work. Rana has been featured as a Top 15 Sales Experts to Watch in 2021 by The Australian Business Journal, as well as Top 27 Sales Influencers You Should Follow in 2024 by Salesforce.

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