The mother's unconditional love and support:
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It's ok!!!! , It's ok!!!! , It's ok!!!!
She was not very young, probably seven or eight years old. It is known that his health was already bad or he was panicked due to the rush that he started vomiting at once. We were standing at a children's clothing outlet in the mall. There was also the family with whom she was a child. The girl's vomiting was not stopping. Then she was terrified that she was vomiting in a public place like this. It was a complete embarrassment.
What surprised and impressed me in all this was his mother's attitude towards him at that time. Now, if we think in general, the mother might scold the child in the market, scold her, get upset, make a straight face, get embarrassed, get angry, etc. But let her know that it is not in her control.
Rather, the constant "It's OK, It's OK" was also going on from the tongue. She was trying to make the girl very comfortable. Completely oblivious to the surrounding environment, only her daughter and her feelings were important to her at that time. She was saying:
"It's okay, it's okay, take it easy, nothing happens, I'm with you, relax and vomit, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
I was deeply affected by this. How beautifully a mother protected her child's feelings and emotions. It provided him with a comfort zone even outside, even in difficulty, with which he bound his children in a beautiful relationship for a lifetime. What a delicate matter. But mom did what a "mom" was supposed to do. The love and respect for the mother also increased in the heart of this girl because of how her mother handled her with love in the crowd.
Now let's come to the other side. Management behavior at this outlet. He also impressed me a lot. Amazing how important these two words are to making someone feel comfortable and at ease.
When the baby and the mother were going through all this, no one made a face or gave any kind of negative comments. A couple of times, the mother tried to move the baby to the side so that things would not get worse, but the staff also said, "It's okay, it's okay." He was giving them comfort zone by saying. They were also making this family fail easily that no matter what, it happens. There are children. is normal "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." And when the girl recovered, the vomiting stopped, the sweeper came to clean it up. In an imperceptible way, everything became normal.
I thought at that moment that if these two words were not there, how much commotion there would be. But "It's OK" didn't let the atmosphere spoil it.
How important it is to be "it's okay" to others in our lives and to ourselves. We should sometimes take our failures and mistakes on our heads and say "it's ok" instead of getting depressed and worried.
A day before this incident, I saw a video clip of #Zeeshan Usmani, Ph.D, in which he was telling to learn these two words only in life. It will be fine. At that time, perhaps this thing did not come to mind. But the very next day when I saw the practical demonstration and saw the power of these two words, everything became clear
Zaid understood well only a few days ago when the sugar pot fell from my hand while working in the kitchen and broke it. The condition was already bad due to severe irritation. Something was not understood. On the same day in the morning, a number of cups were also placed on the side from above. And now the sugar pot was smaller than the hand and the bus was about to explode with tears and anger, when Mian Sahib, who was standing next to me, immediately said, "It's okay", and in a moment, the lava that was about to boil inside me was extinguished. It came back immediately and I got cold too. Then the principle of 'It's OK' was memorized.
May Allah Almighty grant us the opportunity to understand, #Amen!
Therefore, you should also implement the principle of "It's OK" in your lives. Let everyone else go. Does not matter. its okay. It's okay!
January 30, 2024