Mother's Day
Some sort of code pulled a memory from my mind recently. It's was something my mother said. Suzanne Legeer has always been a profound woman with wisdom abound. There is a lesson she taught me once as a young man that has always stuck with me. "You're judged by the company you keep"
That adage has never meant as much as it does now. Legeer Recruitment is about the company we keep. Relationships and bonds of business built over the years to deliver the right recruitment solution at the right time.
When I was 17, I'd stay awake at night reading the works of Richard Feynman. I was smiling, laughing, and learning about quantum dynamics. I read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert Pirsig which helped me reconcile my spiritual beliefs between Western and Eastern philosophies. Somewhere in between those passions a spark of curiosity ignited. The masters of the universe are the ones that move information around. Why not be the gear that helps to put power to the tires?
When recruitment is done right, it truly is about the company you keep. Your company itself, the candidates you represent, and the clients you serve create a mosaic that weaves together the fabric of the global world economy.
Happy Mother's Day Suzanne Legeer. We truly are judged by the company we keep.
Stay Safe,
Eric Jon Legeer