About mother !
The creator of the world and the next world who uses processes to create new human beings for the world, the alternative name of this process is father and mother. There are a lot of responsibilities of father and mother to bear a new child. Here mother takes a vital role for the child.
Never-ever nobody can be compared with mother. Because a mother tolerates a lot of pain when a child is born. According to medical science this pain is not tolaratable for a normal person.Otherwise nobody can fill this pain at any cost. So the mother's position is always top.
The messenger of the world (Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi Salam) says that Heaven lies beneath the feet of your mother.
The mother who is my first teacher. Because she taught me how to eat, how to speak, and how to walk. Last but not least, always respect your mother and never forget your mother before death and after death.