Mother Earth: We Love You
Rossbrook House Inc.
A safe place for children and youth to belong, play, learn and become...
Maamaa-Ahki Gizaagi-igoo: Mother Earth, We Love You.
Rossbrook House and Green Action Centre teamed up with Depave Paradise project and removed concrete in front of Rossbrook House to create a beautiful garden/green space for all to enjoy.
A team of volunteers, staff and Rossbrook House participants worked hard on a warm day in July to remove the concrete in front.
Some of the participants painted chunks of concrete that are now a part of the new benches. Stop by Rossbrook House, corner of Sherbrook and Ross, to see the new benches and gardens.
The new design will be enjoyed by the children and youth who drop in to Rossbrook House, our neighbours, and the many folks who walk by the area.
The new frontage will now have better drainage, not to mention new seating areas and beautiful new, native plants.
Many children and youth learned how to garden one warm evening in July. They happily dug holes, planted and watered, creating several beautiful and colourful new gardens.
Here’s what we planted:
Not only did many children and youth assist with the planting, they are also committed to keeping the new area looking beautiful!
Thank you to our garden team who are keeping our newly planted garden looking great. They are weeding, watering, and picking up trash as needed.?
Rossbrook House is so fortunate to have such keen helpers!
In anticipation of the depaving, we had a Blessing Ceremony in the fall.
Knowledge Keepers Sheldon Cote?and?Carey Sinclair?conducted a blessing ceremony with the assistance of the Learning Always participants. The children were shown how to spread tobacco as part of the blessing. Cultural teachings are a part of the Learning Always after-school program.
Thank you to Green Action Centre, Depave Paradise Project and Green Communities Canada.