MOT your business
Why is it we get our car MOT'd and serviced every year but we can go for years without looking at our business (or personal life for that matter).
Surely the business has evolved in a year. Has the client base changed? Have trading conditions changed? The law changed (GDPR) or staff moved around the business.... So many things can have moved that the business plan might now be so out of date it may look like it was done for another business!
So what can you do? I tend to think that it is best to look at things in small chunks or else nothing actually gets done. From our experience at Kehorne we would suggest an easy update is to the website - even if you just check it all still works, do the links work (they might be broken, so click on them all and follow them), does the site need updating, look at the copyright, privacy, is it GDRP compliant (opt in AND opt out sections)? If you need advice just call us.
But surely the most important thing is to step back every year and look fresh at your business - and if you can't do this yourself, look for someone who can help - a business coach/mentor can pay such massive dividends because we can never be experts on every aspect of our businesses. A coach has to be someone you get on with and respect, so it's important to get decent recommendations and then go meet them. We at Kehorne have met some amazing coaches but I find that it depends on why you want one as to who would suit you best.... best to ask your friends/network as a first step.
So it's always a good time to MOT your business....just don't leave it too long!