The Most Valuable Brands of 2022 & How Do You Measure Brand Value
Credit: Paradelta Strategy

The Most Valuable Brands of 2022 & How Do You Measure Brand Value

How much money is a brand truly worth?

Everything from thousands to millions, to even billions. But, it is worth a whole lot more than the tangible dollar amount. Your brand is what distinguishes you from your competitors and the strength of that brand helps to:

  • boost your customer engagement
  • boosts the loyalty of your customers
  • decreases your customer acquisition costs
  • increases your sales volumes
  • makes it easier to launch new products/services
  • makes expansion a whole lot easier
  • and much much more...

Essentially, the strength of your brand makes it a lot easier to do and grow your business in today's world.

The Most Valuable Brands of 2022

Throughout 2022 we all had our ups and downs in business, however, the main goal to achieve in any business is to grow and improve "overall" from the previous year. Below are the top 10 most valuable brands of 2022 and their growth from 2021.

the most valubale brands of 2022 from paradelta strategy
Data Sourced From Interbrand

Out of the top 10 brands, Microsoft was the winner achieving more than 27% in growth over 2022. Congratulations to Nike too for jumping onto the top 10 brands.

Measuring Brand Value

Those numbers above, have been measured and calculated, but how?

In accounting, the value of a brand is sometimes represented as an intangible asset called goodwill. That is because the brand equity associated with a company (i.e. brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand trust, etc...) often makes a company more valuable than just the tangible assets such as stock, buildings, cash, etc...

The problem with determining such numbers is it can be quite complicated and for that reason, Paradelta Strategy researched, trialed, and developed what they call the Brand Equity Index. Using this calculator, you can determine your BEI and your competitors to create a comparative analysis of where you stand.

It is a little subjective, but so is the goodwill calculation. The Brand Equity Index is just a great start to seeing where you stand, and how it can be improved.

What's your BEI? Click here to find out yours...


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