The Most Underrated Business Strategy
Every prospect and employee has certain aspects of their personality that will help you ‘check the box’ when it comes to getting their attention. And that’s what sales and leadership can be all about right? Aren’t you trying to get your customer’s attention to get them to buy your product or service? Aren’t you trying to get your employee’s attention in order to get them to work at their highest level so they produce great results for your company? The answer to both questions is ‘YES’.
Yes, you are.
So here is the most underrated business strategy that can produce some of the best results you’ve ever seen: Edutainment.
Edutainment is, quite simply, the combination of education and entertainment in order to increase the impact of learning upon the individual. Simple right? Yes. Simple to implement to get the troops hitting their goals? Nope. Simple enough to get your customers to buy? Nope. However, it is doable if you take the right steps.
The best I have found to create an edutainment system is to ask 3 easy questions:
1. What do I want my customer/staff to know or learn?? Every business wants their customer to know the benefits of what it is they’re selling. Or you want your staff to know the type of impact they’re having on their customer’s life. For instance, fitness products and programs talk about how one feels and looks when they’ve lost weight. Financial programs talk about how easy life will be when you make millions! Etc. Whatever it is, think about “what” you want your customer to know and list it out.
2. What are fun ways to get & keep someone’s interest? In today’s world, it’s typically with pictures, memes and videos on various social media channels that work best. But or your business, you might like billboards, or maybe you do just good old fashion Google Ads. The question is not the conduit to which you use to advertise, but ‘how can you make it fun’? Because if it’s fun, you stand a strong chance of getting your audience’s attention.
3. How can you combine those to get the best results? Think about videos for a minute- what keeps your attention? I know for me that if you get me laughing, I keep looking. If there’s a dog in the video, I’ll keep looking. Also, if you have superheroes, I’ll definitely keep watching! So, what’s fun for you? What do you think is fun for others? An easy way to learn more about this is to carefully consider the videos that YOU watch and enjoy on YouTube or Facebook, etc. Then ask yourself why do these videos keep your attention? Once you get your answer, do that.
Asking these 3 simple questions will help to tap into your creative strengths.
Pro Tip: Remember that “Edutainment” is about having fun while learning, so make the “fun” aspect the main goal of this whole process. Oh, and one more thing; make sure that your videos will also make your audience feel something.