The Most Tried & True Marketing Tactics To Help You Succeed

The Most Tried & True Marketing Tactics To Help You Succeed

I get asked all the time, "where should I focus my marketing efforts right now?" To help you get 2022 started on the right trajectory I'm going to share some of the most tried and true tactics for coaches, consultants, professional service providers, and other experts.

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The Most Tried & True Marketing Tactics To Help You Succeed

One of the most common questions that I get asked all the time is, where should I be focusing my marketing efforts right now based on where I am and where I want to go? Today, I'm going to share with you some of the most tried and true marketing tactics to help you succeed. If you are an expert selling your expertise, your knowledge as the main part of your business. Coach, consultant, professional service provider, speaker, this is for you. You do not want to miss this. I'm going to share these four tactics with you to help you get 2022 started on the right foot and in the right direction.

Hi, I am Tim Fitzpatrick with Rialto Marketing where we believe marketing shouldn't be difficult. All you need is the right plan. I want to thank you so much for taking the time to tune in today.

As I said as I shoot this live, it is the beginning of 2022. Want to help everyone out there get started in the right direction, the right trajectory. So I'm going to talk about some of the most tried and true marketing tactics out there. These are things that have worked for a long time. I believe that they will continue to work. And I've seen plenty of businesses that have become incredibly successful with just these tactics.

Now, the first thing I'm going to talk about is actually the fundamentals. So these really aren't tactics. It's more strategy that's laying that foundation for you to build the rest of your marketing house from. The fundamentals of marketing, I preach this all the time. So if you're familiar with me, you may have heard me talk about this, but you got to have the fundamentals in place if you want to have success. To me, there are three marketing fundamentals, target market and who your ideal clients are within that target market. You have to understand extremely well those people that you intend to work with. Second thing is your messaging, what you say to that market, how do you communicate your value and what you do to those people that you intend to attract. Incredibly important. And the third one is your plan. What is your plan to get that message in front of those people? You've got to have the fundamentals in place. Otherwise, any tactic, whether it's the tactics I'm going to touch on today or any other one, if you don't have the fundamentals in place, it is really going to hamper your ability to be successful. You may still be successful without it, but, boy, it's going to be a heck of a lot harder, and at some point you're going to hit a ceiling where you need to come back and get those fundamentals in place if you want to push through it. So the fundamentals are the first. You've got to have those in place, target market, messaging, and your plan of how you're going to get that message in front of those people.

Second tactic I want to talk about is referral and strategic partners. I talked to all kinds of businesses that have built their business up to this point on referrals, 100% and there's nothing wrong with that but referrals, it can be a really difficult way to scale. But I think it is a great way to start and to really start gaining traction. But building relationships does take time. So the sooner you jump on this, the better off you're going to be. But I had a conversation with a client yesterday that we were putting messaging together for and to coach and all she needs five referral partners. Five referral partners can absolutely transform her business. She already has one, and that one is sending her consistent deals each and every month. She needs four more, and her business would be completely transformed. And I think there's a lot of people out there that are like that. So referrals and strategic partners take the time. Start building those. Create your plan of how you're going to connect with those people, how you're going to build those relationships with those people. But, man, the right strategic partners can absolutely transform most businesses. So that's the first one. People have been doing this since the dawn of time. Okay. So referral strategic partners really tried and true. It is out there and it works.

Next one I want to talk about is content marketing. As an expert, content is an amazing way to start building trust, credibility, our authority within our space. Content, I think, is absolutely essential for people that are selling their expertise as their business. How you do that is really a matter of what works best for you. What resonates for you? Any type of content can work, whether it's blogging, podcasting, videos, all of these things can work, but you have to think about what you enjoy doing and what you're good at. I love video, but if I tell you that you have to do video and you can't stand being on camera, then you're never going to do it well. So with content marketing, find that medium that really resonates with you, and that's how I would recommend you start and just find a cadence that you can keep up with. But the more content you put out and create, the better. The other benefit with your content is it can drive a lot of your other marketing channels, especially your social media. All your social media posts can be generated and repurposed from your content. And it can also drive a lot of your email marketing activity because you can be sharing your content to your email list. So I think content is super super important for people that are selling their expertise because it's going to help you show your expertise and build that trust and credibility that is essential if people are going to choose to do business with you.

So we talked about the fundamentals which really aren't tactics. It's more strategy, but then referral and strategic partners, content marketing, and then the last one is speaking. And when I talk about speaking, there are a lot of different ways that you can speak in my opinion. So let's touch on some of these. One is just speaking as we all think about it. This could be speaking at conferences to specific companies, doing workshops or doing keynote presentations. Those types of things. Speaking in front of your ideal clients is a phenomenal way to build your business and it works. Just trust me, there are so many examples of people out there that have built their business from speaking. Another great way I still consider speaking. You could also look at it as content as well, but that is being interviewed on other people's podcasts. Guest podcasting is a great way to leverage other people's audience as long as that audience is your ideal audience as well. It is a great way to get in front of their audience, add some value and build your authority and your credibility, your exposure, your brand. Guest podcasting is a fantastic way to do that.

How can you get 2022 started off on the right direction? Focus. If you're not already taking advantage of these tried and true marketing tactics that I have touched on, pick one and commit to it for the first quarter and see what kind of traction you start to gain. If you do not have the fundamentals in place, please take the time to do that. That will be well worth your time. Get those fundamentals in place and then consider referral and strategic partners, content marketing, and speaking.

So I hope you found that helpful. Again. I am Tim Fitzpatrick with Rialto Marketing. If you're not sure right, if you've listened to this podcast and you're like gosh, I'm still not quite sure what I should do, what the right tactics are, what next steps I should take with my marketing? Hop on over to our website at RialtoMarketing dot com. That's R-I-A-L-T-O Marketing dot com. Click on the Get a Free Consultation button. I would be happy to chat with you and give you some clarity on where you should be focusing right now based on where you are and where you want to get to. Thanks so much for tuning in. Until next time. Take care.

About the Host Tim Fitzpatrick

Tim Fitzpatrick is the President of Rialto Marketing. At Rialto Marketing, we see many businesses battling information overload with marketing. As a result, they aren't sure what their next marketing steps should be to get where they want to go. We help B2B service-based businesses create, implement, and manage a marketing plan to communicate the right message to the right people so they build results that last. Marketing shouldn't be difficult. All you need is the RIGHT plan.


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