If most things are overblown...
If you can agree with the premise that most problems are overblown?—?especially in hindsight?—?then you have every reason to believe that the problem you’re facing now is probably overblown too.?
The passage of time will tell:?
It’s what will allow for your initial response to dampen, the problem to become clearer, and for you to be able to make sense of what you might do next.?
When a new challenge pops up and feels mighty, there’s something about knowing that this is the likely trajectory you will follow that you can learn to draw immediate comfort and clarity of mind from.?
The problem might feel overwhelming for now.?
But, critically, that’s just it: for now.?
Give it some time.
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it.