The Most Successful Wine DTC Marketing Campaigns? They Are Not What You’d Expect
Recently at Enolytics we've started hosting virtual Customer Roundtables around some key themes and challenges we hear most often in our conversations with wineries.
Here's one that might sound familiar:
"What are the most successful marketing campaigns?"
Ed and Chris organize and lead these roundtables, and I tuned in as a fly-on-the-wall. Here's the most interesting thing I learned as the webinar progressed:
The audience was less interested in copying specific campaigns that others have created, and more interested in how to create success for themselves. Less mirroring one winery's "secret sauce," and more understanding the mechanics of how to thrive on their own.
I love this, because it means that customers are figuring out how to harness the software for their own benefit, and personalizing it to their own dynamics.
Yes, we talked about some examples that work and others that don't. A super cute example that worked well: Offer free last-minute shipping to guys who forgot to get something for their significant others on Valentine's Day.
It's even more valuable, as I saw during this week's roundtable, to learn the PROCESS of creating a successful campaign. Check out the three-step process below to get yourself to a successful campaign.
It's a well-practiced process. More importantly, it's a process that can adapted to your own winery's circumstances and dynamics.
The tools are there. Any of you can leverage them to your benefit.
Thank you, as always, for reading and for tuning in. Please be in touch with any questions and ideas. I'd love to hear them.
Here's the Process: WHO, WHAT and HOW You all know that your customers respond differently to different platforms of outreach. But how do you actually figure that out? It's about Who, What and How, like this:
The campaign is successful because you've identified the people WHO are likely to want WHAT you're offering, in a way (HOW) they want to be contacted.