Most remarkable aspects of the Ray Kroc story
Dr. Michael Seitz
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Ray Kroc was a traveling salesman who, in 1954, discovered a hamburger stand owned by the McDonald brothers. He saw that it could be scaled and in doing so transformed his life, the life of the McDonald brothers and our common understanding of fast food.
He was already in his fifties when he recognized the opportunity of a lifetime. What he saw was a unique business concept that could be hugely successful. As entrepreneurs, we can all learn valuable lessons from the Ray Kroc story, and as business owners, we should be so lucky to be discovered, early on, by someone like Ray Kroc.
What’s fascinating about Ray Kroc is that he was an underachieving traveling salesman when he had his eureka moment. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t an epic struggle to realize the potential he saw in this once in a lifetime business opportunity. According to Elon Musk starting a company is like “staring into the face of death” and at times Kroc experienced just that, but he persevered, became a wealthy man and gave us a good hamburger in the process.
Of course financial rewards can be a great motivator, but what’s more important is the chance to fulfill that innate desire to live up to our human potential, regardless of our station in life or the level of success we have already achieved. Better to try and fail than having to contemplate what might have been, BlueSky awaits...
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