Most Recent PM Interview Questions & Answers

Most Recent PM Interview Questions & Answers

Get 1-year VIP access to PM Exercises by enrolling in our AI Product Management cohort before October 29th. The cohort starts on November 7th.?Learn more

#1. There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. ?

A few clarifying questions before: Q. How long has this been happening, is it gradual or sudden? (No) Q. Is this happening across geography, OS type (Android, iOS), and device (Tab/Mobile)? (No) Q. Is this due to some trend or seasonality? (No) Q. Is this some instrumentation issue? (No) Q. Is this due to some way that we capture data? (No) Q. Do we see a change in no. of users opening the app? (Yes) So basically some users are not opening the Instagram app. That's fair to assume? (Yes) Alright moving ahead would like to take a look at the funnel. The open rate of Instagram has gone down (funnel below). User launches app > X% > User sees the login screen > Y% > User successfully logs in and sees the homepage. Is there a change in any of the metrics shown above? (No) Alright moving ahead and looking at internal factors:

  • Server-side issue causing app crash
  • A new feature release that is causing app crash
  • A new experiment that could be causing app crash?...?Read More

Answered by Tarun Kumar

#2. How would you improve Meta (Facebook) Birthdays?

Step 1: Describe the Product

Facebook is a popular social media platform where users share part of their life with others using images, text, video etc. to stay connected with family and friends.

It has multiple elements such as market place, jobs, games, Facebook Stories, Facebook Birthday etc. but we will focus only on Facebook Birthday.

Facebook Birthday allows the users to add their birthday in their profile and control who can see it.

Facebook Birthday is an important feature of Facebook which allows the users to wish people in their network on their birthdays.

Users are usually notified about their friends’ birthday through notification. Users can wish their friends on their birthdays on their wall or send them a personalized message from Facebook messenger?...?Read More?

Answered by Kamlesh Jumrani

#3. How would you monetize the data collected from Tesla cars as more users adopt and drive electric vehicles?

Product Description:

Tesla cars - Tesla holds the top position and serves as a pioneering electric car manufacturer worldwide. Its primary mission is to reduce environmental pollution by harnessing sustainable energy sources, with significant positive effects on consumers' budgets.


I consistently employ the AAAERRR framework when defining objectives, such as Acquisition and Activation. When it comes to Tesla, their strong presence and widespread popularity indicate that they don't encounter significant challenges in terms of awareness, acquisition, or activation. Therefore, my primary goal is to devise revenue-generating strategies by harnessing the extensive data resources at our disposal. This data is made accessible by the high levels of engagement and product retention, with the product in this case being cars mainly.

Clarification Questions:

Q: What do you mean by "data"? Does it refer exclusively to digital data, or can it encompass any type of information?

Interviewer: Any type of data.

Q: When we mention "monetize," are we open to various revenue streams, or is a digital-first approach preferred?

Interviewer: Any revenue-generating opportunities are welcome ...?Read More ?

Answered by Kumar Vansh Moondra

#1. Number of users on an Amazon website drops by 10%. What are the possible reasons, and how can we solve it?

Asked by Amazon in Problem Solving

#2. How can you optimize drivers' waiting time at Uber?

Asked by Uber in Product Improvement

#3. Imagine you are a PM of Uber's search map. How would you calculate its success?

Asked by Uber in Product Design

Problem Solving Questions

Mastering problem-solving questions is key to your success as a product manager, as it helps you identify and resolve issues effectively.

You can download the printable PDF for free by visiting the cheat sheet lesson?here.?

Daniel Wong ??

Senior Product Manager. Practicing for Execution. Practice Interviewing with Daniel Wong


Varun S??

Principal Lead Product Manager. Practicing for Estimation, Product Strategy and Leadership And Development. Practice Interviewing with Varun S ?


Senior Product Manager. Practicing for Estimation Product Design, Product Improvement, Problem Solving, Product Strategy, Technical, Behavioral and AB Testing.? Practice Interviewing with dmkelley

Learn the Fundamentals of AI/ML

Just two weeks remain for our upcoming AI/ML Product Management cohort! Enroll by October 29th and enjoy an added benefit of a 1-year paid membership for access to PM Exercises. Join our 4-week live program with fellow PMs, gain fundamental AI/ML skills, access year-round expert resources, and connect with a lifelong community of high-caliber peers.

In the 7th AI PM community session, we were in for a treat as one of our esteemed cohort alumni, Adam Samuels, took the stage to unveil his incredible AI project.

With the keen use of computer vision and data from a home security camera, he wowed the session by demonstrating how his creation could adeptly detect packages. Adam's presentation was not just informative but truly captivating, showing us the exciting possibilities that AI brings to life.?

We offer free access to our AI PM community sessions, which are open to the public. These sessions are held every Saturday at 9 AM PST. Join us and become a part of our AI PM Community. We look forward to seeing you there!?


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