The most-read articles from 2020
Together with my colleagues, I wrote and published 31 articles in 2020. We are so active because we want to share our knowledge and experience. So, we are very happy when our articles are distributed, commented on, and appreciated here, on LinkedIn, but also in the business press.
That is why I want to present you with the top seven of the most-read articles on the Valoria blog from the last 12 months and at the same time to thank you for your trust and appreciation.
1. How will the 5G technology change our lives?
The 5G technology brings exponentially higher speed and almost non-existent latency, which, in short, means a communications revolution. This makes it the mainstay in the exponential development of the Internet of Things (IoT) – a concept that involves connecting the Internet through billions of devices, services, and automated systems, thus forming a network of systems that allows data collection and exchange and thus creating an interconnected world. A real technological transformation, which brings close the image of smart cities, smart buildings, or autonomous cars. It will be much easier to be interconnected: people – machines – devices. Read the full article by Alexandra Cernian.
2. Seven marketing and sales challenges in the post-lockdown economy
Beyond the experience and competence of the sales and marketing specialists, the situation generated by the impact of COVID-19 has many variables and unknowns. Therefore, in addition to the plans and scenarios prepared by the managers, the essential elements for success are given by the ability to observe the new tendencies and the agility in adapting to them. For this process, a few elements are essential and that is why I have addressed them in this article. Read the full article by Elena Badea.
3. What we find at the crossroads of crises
The current situation is an important crossroads at the level of society and the individual. People are at an intersection with many challenging directions in their lives. Entrepreneurs are at a crossroads with many challenges for their business. They look to the future and I cannot predict anything clear, structured, in relation to which to make important decisions, and what we see these days is that they choose:
- A trial-and-error strategy: ”Let’s do that, and we shall see what comes out.”
- One of waiting: “Let’s see what others do and then we shall do it too.”
- One of action at any cost: “It is better to die in battle than to surrender.”
It is a crude simplification, I admit, but in the absence of “like so” cues, people are looking for solutions in which the mantra “all or nothing” appears and I cannot pass it by as if it did not exist. Read the full article by George Agafi?ei.
4. Life in the ?touchless” economy
In the post-pandemic period, the economy will be shaped by new behaviors and regulations due to social distance, imposed by travel restrictions and hygiene. We will eat differently, work differently, shop differently, and play sports differently, take care of our health differently, socialize, and spend our free time differently. We will experience the difference and change at such a fast pace that we did not do even when the Internet appeared. By the time of the discovery of a vaccine or mass immunization it follows, according to estimates, 2 years of searching and emotions. A social, economic, and emotional roller coaster that is already producing important changes. I present here 7 of these trends with the confidence their awareness is useful for our preparation in the coming period.. Read the full article by Constantin M?gd?lina.
5. Viral digital transformation of companies in times of crisis
Companies must identify, evaluate, and have a mix of online collaboration tools relevant to their business, to work remotely. Beyond companies that have such well-known solutions, even premium, at high prices, some companies can offer similar tools and solutions at affordable prices. The criteria that it is good to keep in mind are security and scalability before choosing remote collaboration tools, in any access option. Because buying behaviors have been seriously affected by social distancing, companies that operate mainly in the offline environment can no longer afford to see online only as an option but as a necessity. Integrating online presence into daily operations means strategy and investment to ensure greater business sustainability. Read the full article by Constantin M?gd?lina.
6. What do you need to increase sales in 2020
Sales growth in business-to-business (B2B) business is based on a thorough preparation process that starts from analyzing the results of the previous year, the processes that did not work, and those that worked remarkably well, the opportunities in the market. and customer buying behaviors. Sales processes are more efficient when they are based on carefully designed tactics to guide prospects through the various stages of the buying process. Here are the five essential elements that, by their impact on efficiency, lead to increased sales in 2020.. Read the full article by Gabriela Streza.
7. Five elements that lead to content marketing failure
A content marketing strategy involves several steps. First of all, it is absolutely necessary to clearly establish your target group, in order to be able to understand its interests and problems. After identifying the target group, adopt effective tactics to shape and increase brand awareness in the online environment. Never copy a “branding template”. The brand must build a reputation in the online environment by providing relevant and valuable content while facilitating interaction with the target audience. How can you do this? Here are some examples: interactive newsletters, online testimonials, video explanations, and audio podcasts. Content marketing can take many forms and they are all important in creating a successful brand. But what is most important is the consistency with which it communicates in content marketing. Only through consistency can a strong and attractive brand be built.. Read the full article by Gabriela Streza.
About Valoria
Valoria Business Solutions is a company providing training, consulting, and executive coaching services. The company's mission is to transform the potential of teams and organizations into value. Competence, confidence, innovation, and passion are the values that sustain us in everything we do. We believe in people, in their aspiration for personal and professional fulfillment, and their willingness to accelerate their potential. Learn more about us at