The Most Problematic Thing
Spring is finally beginning to show off it's vivid colors with the various shades of vibrant greens, vivid yellows and violet blues being displayed in various flowerbeds around town. In past years, I've always enjoyed Spring the most, but this year, the near non-stop wind has causing me to not like it so much. Even though it was in the 50's today, a person couldn't be outdoors without donning a warm jacket or coat.
I finally managed to get all the researching done on the home I may be getting listed in the near future, and luckily I managed to find two which sold last year sharing many of the same features as the one I looked at. Once I was comfortable with the values, I called the owner to share my information, and as I suspected, there was a little dead silence on the other end, and likely because of the shock of it being worth far more than expected. Yes, our market prices have been noticeably spiking since the pandemic arrived.
Late this morning, I did a little paying it forward by assisting a past client with getting some appointments set up, and since she doesn't own a computer, I took my laptop over to her home and helped he get them set. What saddened me the most, was hearing how many days she was getting stressed out over it, so for the umpteenth time, I told her to call me whenever she needed help with something. I never understand people when they say, “Oh, I didn't want to bother you because you're so busy.” My gosh! Even in the midst of the busiest days, I'm always able to make time for those who're truly in need. Next time I'll be reminding her that I don't punch a time clock, and the only ones I have to answer to, are God and myself, and both of us are pretty flexible. When I got back to office, I then placed a call to a reliable lawn person who'll likely end up taking care of her yard since it's become more of a physical challenge.
When reading the news today, I was glad to find more of those House Republican's having finally had enough of Marjorie Taylor Greene's antics, and now beginning to kick back at her. She and that crazy Goetz need to go on a year-long cruise together as they're definitely meant for each other. It comes as no surprise she's now being featured on the State controlled Russian media which is definitely creating even more of a bad impression of us with the Russian people. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she's somehow on the 'take' with Putin and his cronies.
Around mid-afternoon I had to meet a plumber at a property owned by one of my clients, just so they can get an idea as to how much some upgrades will cost, and since I've known that plumber for a number of years, we had a nice chat about the changes taking place in our fair city. I know I shouldn't be doing it, but sometimes when he gets on a rampage over some of the silly things our city's been doing, he'll start swearing black streaks, which ends up making me laugh. It's really not the words, but rather the way in which he delivers them. The very rare times I swear, the've been people who'd start laughing at me, and usually due to how I accentuate those naughty words. I'm still ever-glad to've never become fond of swearing, and for sure in these times, it's all the more in vogue.
As the vegetable for my evening meal last night, I had the first cutting of my purple asparagus, and without a doubt, it was the best I've ever eaten, and since I have a large and healthy patch, I'll be gifting a few bunches to those who're fond of it as the season wears on. Considering how fussy I am about the food I eat, I'm still in a bit of shock over how good it was.
It looks like our overnight temps will be dropping down around freezing tonight, so any of you who've got plants set out, you'd better cover them up, and especially if you live in or near the lowlands, as I've already made sure to have mine protected.
One of my customers mentioned today that he'd recently been having chronic problems with his internet, and wouldn't you know, the Mediacom technician discovered a squirrel had been chewing on his cable wire, which came as no surprise because they're just like rats with that gnawing business. Over these many years, I'm sure they're been many house fires caused by squirrels getting into attics and chewing on electrical wires. Yes, they are nasty creatures.
Speaking of creatures, for the past two days I've had to take a broom and knock down a robin's nest which is being built on a ledge, so I'll be keeping a close eye on that area every day, just to make sure I'll not be bothered by angry robins trying to protect their nest in a much-used walking area. As many trees there are around, I still don't understand why they do that, but as we've come to realize, nature is rapidly adapting to suburbia.
I had a long conversation with a client today regarding the positive and negative aspects of having a revocable trust which more people seem to be creating in these times when estate planning. I've come to believe the most problematic thing about them, is being able to find someone who's honest and trustworthy enough to follow-thru with the carrying out the decedent's instructions. I couldn't help sharing a few horror stories I've been told over the years regarding a handful of evil-minded trustees. As far as I'm concerned, trusts are only as good as the character of the end trustees. Make sense?
Tonight's One-liner is: An injured family member or close friend is the bitterest of foes.
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