The Most Powerful Way To Connect With Your Clients
Cathy Topping
AI Training Workshops | AI Apps & Tools | AI That Speaks Fluent You | Helping Businesses To Use AI Effectively
Do you ever find yourself bawling at a movie, somehow drowning in sobs while at the same time squirming with embarrassment?
Have you ever bought something because your gut said you wanted it, even though your head said you don't need it? (who hasn't, right?)
There are powerful forces at work all around you, and they're the hidden reason behind most of the decisions you make.
That sad movie, the luxury brand - they connected with you because they know how to talk to your subconscious.
We live in a world where we're connected 24/7 through platforms like Facebook.
But we've been connected as humans long before technology came on the scene.
Jung called it the collective unconcious, and when you know where and how to look, this secret and powerful force shines a light on your behaviour in a way you hadn't imagined before.
And you can harness this force to take your business up to a new level.
We share primal connections. They show themselves every day through the things we buy, the stories we read or watch, and the decisions we make in our businesses.
If you're on track for big growth, you need a framework that can support and sustain you. You need to understand how these forces work, and how you can leverage them to make a bigger impact.
This isn't cookie-cutter stuff.
It's rooted in powerful tools of psychology, and if you can crack the code, you'll know how to communicate with your audience in a way that looks like magic.
A good starting point is to go through the 4 steps I take my clients on with our BRAND ALCHEMY sessions.
These steps allow us to dig right down to the level where the best communication takes place with your clients.
The essence of this work is to create a single brand archetype that becomes a compass to guide your marketing strategy and asset creation.
It's powerful stuff - and so empowering!
If you want to have a go yourself, here's a good starting point.
Approach your business as if you're writing a biography, and really get the essence of WHY you set it up. How do you stand out? What broader cultural context is your business sitting within? How do your clients relate to you?
Once you get clear on the deeper WHY of your business, you need to check in and make sure you are actually aligned with the experience that your clients have working with you.
How are your competitors positioning themselves. Are they using brand psychology in their marketing, and if so - can you do it better?
At this point, you'll have pinpointed an archetype for your brand, and you need to check that this archetype is the right one for your audience. Spoiler alert! If you're just reflecting your audience back to themselves, you might have gotten this step wrong.
Give it a go, and see what you come up with!