The most powerful marketing message in the world
Hello LinkedIn,
There is one statement I have not been able to get out of my head lately.
It comes from none other than the amazing Seth Godin, and bears more truth than I at first realised. (if you want to know why he matters just Google his name or visit Seth's blog which he has run for over 20 years)
Let it settle in and read it a few times to make sense of it.
"People like us do things like this"
is the most powerful marketing message that there is.
And why has this been bugging me so much you may ask? Because only very few companies seem to approach their marketing like this. It feels like a well guarded secret right in front of us that no one sees. Unity and a shared goal in unity are hands down the most powerful message you can send. In my eyes adidas, apple, nike for example are masterfully using this concept to inspire people.
This sentence pretty much trumps all other marketing advice. It is like the overarching digma of Marketing to people. All other methods fall below it.
If you manage to inspire a group of people in this way you automatically gain trust, trust in you, trust in your products and what they stand for, trust in your employees, trust by your employees. You also create drive, drive to belong to the group.
Last year I for example was part of such a group. I had joined Adidas Runners ?? shortly after arriving in Munich. The main message spread there, is, that we stand for inclusion, pushing oneself and committing to improvement in sport, and showcasing that to the world, inside and outside of the group. The more one aligned to this goal, the more one got rewarded.
So let us keep this in mind whena approaching our next marketing project.
"People like us do things like this"