The Most Powerful Cash-Generating Persuasion Technique Known To Man
Dear Friend and Subscriber,
Here’s a quick tip you can use to revamp your entire marketing apparatus.?
When I was doing in-person and over-the-phone sales, one of the techniques I found useful to learn was called pacing and leading.?
This is when you match or mirror the body language and tone of your prospect to build rapport. But with subtlety, not in an annoying way like children mimicking each other.?
There’s plenty of info out there on pacing and leading so I won’t dive into that here.?
Anyway, when I got into copywriting, I soon learned a similar technique. In 1931, Robert Collier called it “entering the conversation in your prospect’s mind.”?
It's the same premise as pacing and leading, just in written form. It’s also the reason why copywriters have to do research.?
Since we don’t have a prospect sitting in front of us to observe in real time, we have to use research to figure out the “mirroring” we’re going to use in our copy.?
This is where sites like Amazon come in handy. Find a similar product to the one you’re writing for, and you should start to have a good idea of the conversations going on in people’s heads around your product.?
If your product isn’t on Amazon, try Google Reviews, Consumer Reports, or any number of review compilation sites.?
Copywriter Leo Burnett used this technique beautifully when he wrote the headline “Can You Talk About Books With The Rest Of Them?”?
Even though it came from his childhood, the example is still valid. He noticed that when his mother hosted her book club, some ladies remained silent for most of the discussion.?
Even as a child, he figured out that many of the women who attended book clubs struggled to keep up with the conversations.?
You can probably imagine the thoughts running through their heads. “I wish I could contribute more to this conversation.” “If I say something, they’re all going to think I’m stupid.” Etc.?
Or take this classic headline from Gary Halbert: “Have You Ever Wondered What You Would Look Like With A ‘Million Dollar Smile’?” It should be pretty easy to figure out the conversation going on in the reader’s mind.?
One of the fastest ways you can improve your headlines is to do this little exercise. Get out a notepad, write down the headline, then write down the thoughts of the person who would be hooked reading it. Pretty soon, you’ll be able to write your own headlines based on the conversation going on in someone’s mind.?
Sean Ryan