Most popular git commands:
-----> git init
A git repository must first be created before you can make commits or do anything else with it. We’ll use the git init command to create a new Git repository. The init subcommand stands for “initialize,” which is useful because it’s the command that handles all of a repository’s initial setup. In a moment, we’ll look at what it does. The git init command creates all of the necessary files and directories for Git to keep track of everything. All of these files are kept in a directory called .git (note the . at the beginning; this indicates that it will be hidden on Mac/Linux). The “repo” is this .git directory!
------> git clone
The command we’ll be using on the terminal is git clone, which is show, how cloning is related to Git. The git clone command takes a path (typically a URL) to the Git repository you want to clone. The command is git clone, and the path to the Git repository you want to clone is passed as an argument. This is the URL for the project we’ll be working on throughout the course. git clone produces a local working copy of a remote repository’s source code. When you clone a repository, the code is downloaded to your machine automatically. If you have permission, this command will add the original location as a remote location, allowing you to grab changes from it and push changes to it.
------> git add
To move files from the Working Directory to the Staging Index, use the git add command. The git add command saves your changes in a file to the staging area, allowing you to compare your local version to the remote repository’s version. Before committing your new or changed file, use the git add command to add it to the staging area. To add specific files
-------> git commit
This command saves a log message along with the commit id of the modifications made to the git repository. The modifications are saved in your local repository with a git commit. You must include a brief description of the changes made every time you commit your code changes. This commit message aids others in comprehending the changes made.
------> git push
This command pushes the contents of your local repository to the remote repository you’ve added. This pushes your master branch’s commits to the newly added remote repository. If a named branch does not exist in the remote repository, it will be created.
------> git merge
The history of the specified branch is merged into the current branch with this command. The command git merge joins your branch to the parent branch. Depending on your process, the parent branch can be either a development or a master branch. If there are no conflicts, it will make a new commit automatically. You should be on the branch you want to merge with your parent branch before running the git merge command. The history of the specified branch is merged into the current branch with this command.