Most People walk into their Performance Review with the WRONG OUTCOME in mind! ??
Most People walk into their Performance Review with the WRONG OUTCOME in mind!

Most People walk into their Performance Review with the WRONG OUTCOME in mind! ??

(END of YEAR) Performance Reviews must be underway! And guess what?

I have observed for years... that most people walk into these meetings with the wrong expectations that can be damaging along the way. ??

Now, let's get some basics right... ? Here's HOW to make these meetings meaningful for both sides: You and your Manager... ??

PREP on these QUESTIONS before you go to the meeting (even share your answers in advance with your manager to give them a chance to digest these)

A) How have you contributed to achieving the MISSION of the company (within or above the scope of your role/job description)? This is about you demonstrating how you see your role as part of the BIG PICTURE.

B) How did you actively promote and display BEHAVIOURS that are in line with your company VALUES in the last 3/6/12 months? List specific examples of how you have risen to the challenges.

C) How have you met or exceeded your OBJECTIVES or GOALS? Do not shy away from Numbers and Evidence (testimonials too). Managers will not notice or do the work for you, your job is to remind and prove to them how you successfully met/exceeded your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Use storytelling here to show your VALUE to business/customers/users/important stakeholders. Do not focus on Excuses.

D) What do you consider to be the most important ACHIEVEMENTS over the past 3/6/12 months? Here you get to share your contribution above and beyond your job role and agreed objectives. Of course always tie them into your first 3 answers (to the questions) above.

E) What would you love to ACHIEVE in the NEXT phase? Share your desired direction for growth within the company. If you do not share you will not be enabled to get there. If you sense disagreement, ask where does your manager think you’ll be best suited and register this. Get curious about the reasons why (even if you disagree).

ASK these QUESTIONS to foster meaningful connection and alignment:

F) Is my performance for this period in line with your observations and wider organisational FEEDBACK? If yes, what did you VALUE most in our collaboration? If not, what was MISSING that we can improve on?

G) What SUPPORT do you need from me to enable you to succeed in your role in the next period?

H) Does my desired career development (growth goals) ALIGN with my role progression & company’s direction? This is sense-checking that you are BOTH aligned on your next steps. If yes, then you can ask…

I) What RELEVANT OPPORTUNITIES are there / can we create for my growth? How will my contribution be MEASURED? This ensures you are both committing to a renewed direction that aligns with your respective needs as a team.

I hope these questions help you FRAME this meeting as a mutually beneficial connection to mark and enhance your collaboration. Your OUTCOME is not VALIDATION. It is DEEPER CONNECTION to an ALIGNED DIRECTION as a TEAM (working partners).

If this was useful in any small way, please SHARE with FRIENDS or LOVED ONES who are going through a Performance Review.

Original Article here:

If this was useful in any small way, please SHARE with FRIENDS or LOVED ONES who are going through a Performance Review.

With Courage and Meraki,

Christina Garidi

Eudaimonia Coaching UK –

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