Most Influential Leadership Quotes
“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” - Lord Jesus. Leadership as service. This implies Servant Leadership. Non-exploitative, inclusive, other-centered leadership which brings transformation.
Where there is no vision, the people perish—King Solomon. One of the most powerful quotes which attracted me, held my attention, and motivated me. It indicates 'Visionary Leadership' and the consequences of not having a vision in unambiguous terms, i.e., the people perish.
“Leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. If you are being salt and light as Jesus commanded, then you have begun to obey God’s call to leadership. " ― John C. Maxwell. This indicates that influence is leadership as opposed to positional leadership. This is a counter-intuitive insight which helped me understand leadership from a non-positional point of view.