The most Influential Artist of our Generation
As they say they city of New York holds so many stories which can never be outgrown, and Tom Sachs is among one of them who keep the streak alive for the decades. He didn’t just make art but he brought life to those art by unfolding the stories that those sculptures holds.
The Nike Weartester Program is among one of them as he unveils as series of challenges that we need to complete in certain time frame that will make us not only the participant in the Weartester program but also we will be the part of history.
As the world shuts down due to this pandemic, we all enthusiast need something that give us a sense of gratification or a sense of accomplishment & then Tom introduced this program and as the program got announced thousands of submissions came from across the globe, from celebrities to NBA players like Devin Booker all got hyped and made their submission to enroll themselves in this program. And after evaluating all the entries Tom roll out the Batch one for the Weartester Program.
150 Pairs out Nike Mars Yard 2.5 shipped across different countries & cities so, that it can be tested and according to input the shoes will either be redesigned or soon we might get to see a new silhouette from the NY Artist. Tom Sachs. Hence after the completion of the challenge the team will record their experiences and log firsthand feedback. Shoes will then be returned, sanitized, studied, repaired, and reissued. The full process will shape future progress on the Mars Yard.
Note From The Author:
Our rules and rituals are who we are and will be reflected in the work in which we create and leave behind. These rules are not for everyone but let them be a guide as you dedicate your life seeking consistency in your practice.
The ten bullets that tells who Tom Sachs is-
· Bullet 1: “Work to Code: ‘Creativity Is The Enemy”
· Bullet 2: “Sacred Space”
· Bullet 3: “Be on time”
· Bullet 4: “Thoroughness Counts”
· Bullet 5: “I Understand”
· Bullet 6: “Sent Does Not Mean Received”
· Bullet 7: “Keep a List”
· Bullet 8: “Always Be Knolling”
· Bullet 9: “Sacrifice To Leatherface”
· Bullet 10: Persistence.
The role of artist too makes us see thru something we can never experience firsthand & who else can do this better than the man himself Tom Sachs.
Tom is not only an artist but he’s also Part of NASA program, the man has unbelievable 40 Pages of resume and we all know artis like him doesn’t keep anything to himself he devoted his all his years of craftsman for the act of service, he taught us the right to repair rather than replace. But,
“With this particular challenge, we are engaging people to really think about this shoe and bring different perspectives, both culturally and environmentally,” says Sachs.
“This is an opportunity to invite a larger audience to really indulge in our favorite part of the process — learning about things and making stuff. The process is the most valuable thing, and if the result is a great pair of shoes, that’s fantastic. But I think it's really important that the testing process celebrates the journey.”
Beyond the Mars Yard 2.5 Wear Test, NIKECRAFT will also support research in the proper care of footwear, underscoring an important facet of sustainability — maintaining the objects one already owns, and wearing them to death.