The Most Inclusive Workplace In Australia

The Most Inclusive Workplace In Australia

It’s becoming more commonplace in work places now but WOTSO has been dog-friendly since the beginning…

What may have appeared to be a risky decision at first to some, has proved much more beneficial than anticipated.

While dogs have been seen as an employee-only benefit in the past, we now know that dogs in the workplace have a positive impact on employers and employees alike. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Factors that positively affect employees correlate with improved office morale, decline in absenteeism, and a healthy work-life balance.?

Here is what we have seen, through having furry friends in the workplace.?

Dogs in the Workplace Relieve Tension

Workplace stress has the potential to cause negativity, which can create a tense work environment for employees. WOTSO is encouraging positivity in the workplace by being a dog-friendly workspace. Dogs help people pass long work hours happily, and provide a welcome distraction at break times; reminding us to get up and move around regularly.?

Short walks, a little playtime, and temporary distractions allow mental breaks that avoid overworking and becoming stressed. It's worth keeping spirits high and adding a little comic relief. Laughter and positivity is just as contagious as negativity and stress…

Studies prove that pets have calming effects, reduce blood pressure, lower stress, and make employees more cordial and productive.

Pets in the Workplace Nurture Productivity and Connection

Increasingly, employers and employees are discovering that pets at the workplace create a more comfortable, flexible environment, all of which gives employees a healthy productivity-kick. Pets also create camaraderie within the workplace and trigger interactions that may not have happened otherwise. They’re a great ice-breaker!

Better communication leads to more trust, a key component in a successful work environment. Trust and communication promote productivity, resulting in improved morale and reduced absenteeism.

We’re Also Doing it for the Isolated Pets!

Lots of dogs feel isolated when they have to be left at home by themselves all day. They are, after all, pack animals. So we consider it a win-win for dogs, and humans, facilitating the company we all need.?

Our Pet Policy

To ensure that everyone is comfortable, it’s important that WOTSO’s policies are heard loud and clear. We have attached our pet policy here, so before you bring your doggo into a flexspace, ensure you have familiarised yourself with these need-to-knows. Please reach out to our space leaders for more information and support.

Employer and Dog-Owner Awareness is Key

Still having doubts? While the benefits are numerous and outstanding, there are some important factors to be aware of. Don’t worry, we have the below procedures in place:?

  • Get connected: When bringing your pet in for the first time, connect with the space leaders at your WOTSO to implement the best care for your doggo on-site. Introduce your furry friend to your coworkers and other WOTSO members using the communal areas.
  • Pet and employee harmony: Dogs have personalities too and navigating a new environment may make them nervous. An adjustment period is expected. Awareness and a plan to handle the settling-in process should be taken seriously. All owners have a responsibility to ensure their company and space is safe and appropriate for their dog.
  • Allergies: Allergies to dogs affect 10%–20% of the population worldwide. Employers and dog-owners need to be sensitive to coworkers with these allergies and the effects it may have on their workplace experience. Check-in with our space leaders and your colleagues to ensure you are aware of any existing allergies in your flexspace.?

Final Steps to Having the Best Pet Experience at WOTSO

  • Maintain good hygiene. Not only should employees be healthy at work to avoid spreading sickness, but pets should as well. Pets should be kept clean, groomed, as well as free of contagions and fleas or ticks.
  • Confirm vaccinations are up-to-date.
  • Keep dogs on leads. We like to keep them on leads travelling within the workspace, to ensure the comfort and safety of everyone using the flexspace.
  • Inform space leaders and colleagues of training and dietary needs. Understanding how well your pet is trained and what their dietary needs are, is important for your doggos safety and wellbeing.?
  • Have a place for your dog to rest and relax. Create a space all-their-own so they’ll feel right at home in the WOTSO family.?



