The most impressive person I have ever met.
Anthony L.
Chief Technology Officer at Smart Business Solutions (SMBS), Entrepreneur, Mentor
Let me start by saying that the lady in the picture displays the same defiant and combatant attitude towards life as the person I’m about to tell you about.
Let me give you a little background about her.
She’s the only person I have ever met that have attained two university degrees from two separate universities AT THE SAME TIME. I’m not talking about online degrees either, I mean attending classroom sessions at two separate universities with resulting degrees in Finance and Computer Engineering. (Ping me if you want to know why someone would put themselves through something like this out of free will)
She migrated to the US about a decade ago and decided to exercise one of her two professions. Being such a driven person, it didn’t take long for her to start outperforming her colleagues and to become the go to person not only for tasks related to her department but also for cross-functional tasks. She was quickly promoted and seen as a rising star. The future certainly looked promising!!!
One very unfortunate day her boss decided to make unwarranted sexual advances towards her, to which she gracefully turned down and revealed that she had just found out that was expecting a baby with her husband.
She was demoted within days and forced to work shifts she was never assigned to work before, her workload was duplicated overnight too. Being a very proud woman she never showed any signed of weakness regardless of how much work was dump on her desk, if anything it only made her more determined to show that she was capable of performing at her best under pressure. Not that long after she was let go without a real explanation, she was simply no longer needed.
Where most people would be destroyed and might rightfully fall pray depression, she simply stated. “I’m expecting a baby girl, there’s no time to become depressed and I have to set an example for my daughter.”
She partnered up with IT executive with 20 years in the industry and founded an IT consultancy firm which she leads with a gentle yet profound sense of pride not only for her, her customers but also for her children. (By the way she quickly outperformed the seasoned executive and became the CEO.)
Now her IT firm serves customers across national boundaries, languages and industries; she employs some of the brightest engineers the industry has to offer regardless of sex, religious believes or age. Her main goal is to work with the most talented professionals as she knows that this is the recipe to success for her customers.
Odds are that she's working while you read this article, specially if you’re reading this late at night, anywhere between 10PM and 2AM since odds are that she’s awake too, working on her craft and sharpening her skill as work restarts only after the kids are put to bed.
If you are a lady entrepreneur this story might sound too similar, if so don’t give up !!! You are powerful and should be commended for not only being a strong business leader but also for being the most important person in your kids' life.
If you want to work with a strong leader who embodies the American dream, reach out and find out why our customers know that the cliché “failure is not an option” is really all about.
With that said, I’m honored to introduce you to the most impressive person I have ever met; My boss, Smart Business Solutions's CEO, the most devoted mother and my loving wife Marielena Lopez-Robelo